Almost to goal weight!

Hello everyone. My name is Sybul and I am 57 years old. Two years ago on June 18 I had RNY gastric bypass surgery. I was up to 315 lbs at my highest weight before surgery and am 5' 2" tall. I was as big around as I am tall. Life was really sucky. It was to the point that my husband had to help me put my socks and shoes on every morning. Personal hygiene was becoming a problem, I was in constant pain from all the weight I was carrying around. I was diabetic, hypertensive, and very depressed. I just went in for my two year check up and all is well. I have my life back now. I am down to 133 lbs and feel wonderful. Sugars and blood pressure are normal and I am off all those meds. I still have a lot of rules to follow to maintain my healthy lifestyle including avoiding too many carbs, sugar, and such. Also exercising routinely. I have a ton of supplements I take daily due to the malabsorptive effects of the bypass but I feel it is well worth it. MFP has been very helpful to me in tracking my calories and such and exercise along the way. I recommend it to all of my friends.


  • brown_daniel
    Good for you Sybul! I have just started my journey with MFP. Success stories like this inspire me.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    Totally inspiring. Way to go.
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