Hello.. Im new.. AGAIN


Last year myfitnesspal helped me to get rid of 25 extra pounds and I was feeling amazing! It was great to go into a store, pick something out and actually look good on me!

Fast forward a bit over a year, add a divorce, a heated custody battle, three moves, and two job losses.. and I fell off the wagon hard! Im a stress eater.. and boy did I eat. Comfort food and chocolate.. a temp. fix for some major life problems.

Well things have settled down now. I have my kids back (for now), a new job, a lovely house and a boyfriend I adore. I look in the mirror and I am not at all happy with what I see. My body use to be tight.. now the only thing that is tight is my pants. Im on a tight budget and I refuse to buy an entire new wardrobe in a larger size! My face is even gross... I can really tell what I have been putting into my body has not been good to it... acne, wrinkles, bags. I am feeling my age and then some. A year ago I felt youngt and fab!

So here I am. Motivated and ready to try again. I was down to 133 lbs last year and last time I checked I was 143. *Cringe***. Not only have I gained weight but my boyfriend recently told me he gained 40lbs since he met me a year ago!! Not good!! He is now having to sleep with a sleep apnea machine and is tired all the time. I really worry about him.

Just to get a jump start I am buying a 30 day supply of shakeology so that my bf and I can do a three day fast. I did this last year when I started my healthy living and it really helped to curb my cravings.. Im hoping it works again..I want to mainly stick to clean eating if possible. Also, I forgot to mention I do have a small frame and hypothyroid. After discussing with my Dr. last year and playing around a bit with numbers.. we found my healthy calorie intake was between 1000-1200 as long as I take multivitamins and make every calorie count he said it was ok.. and it worked for me last year.. and I never felt hungry. Dont try and lecture me on this.. I wont change my mind.. every body's body is different.

Anyway.. hello all :)


  • Hi Amber, Im trying to get refocused myself after some setbacks. Feel free to add me and we will help motivate and encourage each other till we crush our goals! :)