Eating Junk is Expensive mucho Dinero

We detoxed our cupboards a while back and dumped the junk food. It was a physical and emotional purge. Making way for the new. My buddy who is an exsmoker says junk food is just like cigarettes, it gives you a rush a good feeling then after you feel lousy.

We did a shop at Walmart today and wish we had brought a back hoe to clear the center aisles. All the way down was junk food and more junk food, chips ahoy, frosted loops, potato chips, kraft dinners on sale. If junk food visually triggered a guy he would need to go in there blindfolded.

Now they are getting ready for Halloween, which in the past was like Christmas at our house. We could hardly wait for it to be over so we could hurry down to store and buy all those chocolated candies at half price.

Well today was another shopping victory for us. We have our tune and our rhymes and new imagery concerning the nasty sweet stuff.

Today we saved, I rounded off the numbers, approx. $24 because we didn't buy the soda $9,00 cuz we didn't buy the potato chips {3 for $3} $7.00 Cuz we didn' buy the Cheeze Whiz $15.00 cuz we didn't buy the nestle ice cream sticks, the reese peanut butter ice creams and the oreo cookes ice cream We saved $14.97 cuz we didn't buy the Kraft Dinner,, We saved $6 not buying the cookie special and another $3 not buy the voortmans. Then there were the kit kat bite sizes at $5. two cadbury big chocolate bars at $3.00, So our cupboards are no longer full of the nasty sweet stuff.

So me and buddy managed to save $88.00 by not buying what we used to buy each week.

Now that leaves us with a big chunk of change to shop out some grazed fed delcious prime rib and some quality trout, plus get our yougurt, eggs, veggies , fruits and muesali.
Oh I fogot we saved an additional $10 cuz we didn't buy the corn flakes and the cheerios .

New total $98.00 to go our new style of clean eating. Guess what , we are losing pounds and we are having fun doing it.


  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Kraft Dinner is on sale ???
  • Minnie2361
    Minnie2361 Posts: 281 Member
    Two guys eating $98 of junk food a week . When I divide that by two it comes out to $49 a person.
    So if this is how they ate in the past it would work out to $2352 a year on junk food per person.

    That is heavy duty junk food consumption. I can imagine the weight gain , unless the both of them spend 8 hours a day training, jumping, running, jogging , lifting, and spinning. Somehow I don't think that is the case considering they cleared their cupboards of all the junk.

    $196 saving per person per month is quite a savings. It certainly opens up the opportunity to buy finer cuts of meats and organic fruits and vegetables.
  • Lichent
    Lichent Posts: 157 Member
    wow hard to come to terms with how much we spent on junk . That would have bought us a two week vacation, that is like a car payment everymonth.
    Just to think we were killing ourselves and paying all that money to do it!!!!!!

    A trainer and a nutrionist is sure a bargain when we compare it to how much we were spending to make ourselves sick.