Restarting My Fitness Pal!

Hello all,

I have had a My Fitness Pal account for a while and used to use it all of the time. However with the increasing demands of school and work, I have excused myself from it for over 6 months. Though it is as simple as a click of a button on my phone, I have distracted myself and gotten lazy. Now that I have noticed how much weight I have gained in the last 6 months or so (went from 145 back to 170), I have realized how important it is to really pay attention to my calorie consuming. I try to make time during the week to workout (usually using the great app Workout Trainer), but it is my eating habits that are truly the culprit to my weight gain. I go out to eat most nights, so my will power to order healthy things is truly diminished. My goal here is to meet people who can support my weight loss journey and get myself back to a more healthy version of me.


  • Hi I'm Emma and I'm also 19. I had a MFP account in the past and lost 40 pounds! Now I'm back to lose 5-10 more and be healthier! I'm sending you a request. :) Anyone else feel free to add me!