


  • paradisechaser
    I am, I have apologised for the title, I don't mean to undermine anyone or any situation. I just freaked out.

    Thanks mate ^ :)
  • elsdonward
    elsdonward Posts: 81 Member
    Not a Disaster - a few sausages pouff!! This what you have to know

    You have to know your calorific maintenance level - you can work this out via any number of free programmes.

    Then you have to have a reliable scales.

    Then you have to realise than on any given day your weight can fluctuate by as much as four pounds.

    Then you must make sure that your are not eating more calories than your daily level.

    This means knowing about food and understanding how you can eat healthy and still be under.

    Like no sweet drinks, no chocolate bars, no junk food etc. no large portion sizes - they will do you!!

    You can then still have your sausages and enjoy them - but be realistic don't just stand there allowing your own mind to target you and shoot you down whenever it feels like - fight it by getting some credit points in the bank exrta walks extra workouts less rubbish foods. Be committed Be serious about it or else going to the gym is a waste of time

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Thanks guys, as I worked of 493 calories at the gym my daily calorie intake yesterday was 2403, I went over it by 13.

    I didn't mean to sound dramatic, I just want this so bad.

    I'm sorry, you were over by 13 calories....13?????? and this is a disaster?!

    seriously, wtf????
  • paradisechaser
    I'm new to all this, I don't know what's good or bad.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member

    I'm sorry, you were over by 13 calories....13?????? and this is a disaster?!

    seriously, wtf????

    There's no need to increase the drama. Really.
  • paradisechaser
    Wow, I didn't mean to cause drama. I guess I will keep it to myself next time lol.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    There's a new drama every day out of nothing and nowhere, don't worry about it.

    Chin up dude, people forget what it's like to take on a new challenge.

    You're doing great, stick with. x
  • paradisechaser
    Thank you. X
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    I just stumbled across a girl who is suffering bacteria meningitis and has had her limbs cut off..

    And you tripped over her? You couldn't help her up - move her from the middle of the corridor? It's not like she can WALK.

    Careless, careless, careless.*tuts*
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    I think if you want to make a big thing about it, then feel free too...! I think it would be more worrying, if you thought eating 2 sausage sandwiches on a regular basis was an OK.

    This will help you think twice about what you're eating and next time you'll decide to eat just one sandwich instead of 2. Or even not to eat any until your weekend fry up.

    These type of disasters will help you build coping mechanisms and commitment.... so, keep having "disasters" because the mnore you do, the better you will get at dealing with them.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Thanks guys, as I worked of 493 calories at the gym my daily calorie intake yesterday was 2403, I went over it by 13.

    I didn't mean to sound dramatic, I just want this so bad.

    Btw. Don't worry about 13 or 130 calories. It's not a science of exactness. I wouldn't consider it significantly going over.
    If you want it bad, you want it to last, right?
    It's not a day that counts but the habits that last - I bet your week will be good, and then you month, and then your year...

    Careful with the gumption traps - this was one!


    This. And, don't feel bad about eating "bad" foods once in a while. You're not going to give up certain foods forever, are you? If you're going to indulge once in a while after you reach your goal weight, indulge once in a while as you lose. It'll keep you from obsessing too much and it won't hurt your long term goals.
  • paradisechaser
    I went into this whole thing with the mindset that your not allowed any foods that are "bad" after reading this thread and others on the web I know it is insane not to treat yourself, you will go insane.

    I'm really not looking for attention as some of you may think, I just want support because in the non web world I don't really have any.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    That's not a disaster. Think nice sandwich and move on with your life
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I went into this whole thing with the mindset that your not allowed any foods that are "bad" after reading this thread and others on the web I know it is insane not to treat yourself, you will go insane.

    I'm really not looking for attention as some of you may think, I just want support because in the non web world I don't really have any.

    one of my favourite quotes: 'there is no such thing as bad food - just people who eat badly'

    check out some IIFYM threads... as long as you are hitting your goal and hitting your macros you'll lose weight and you can still eat sausage sarnies!
  • MrsSausage58
    MrsSausage58 Posts: 143 Member
    Forget it (once you've logged it!) and move on. It really doesn't matter.

    Anyway, I'm a Sausage and there's nothing wrong with me! (relatively speaking). :laugh:
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Normally, I would say no biggie, just move on. But there's no saving you. Mayo AND margarine TOGETHER in the same sandwich? This truly IS a disaster! :sick:
  • paradisechaser
    haha ;)
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Normally, I would say no biggie, just move on. But there's no saving you. Mayo AND margarine TOGETHER in the same sandwich? This truly IS a disaster! :sick:

    LOL. That' was well said. :)]