Day 3 - Weighing in

Good Morning Everyone! Here I 3. I EVEN ate breakfast this morning.....small changes, but important ones!

Question: How often do you weigh yourself? Should I do it every week, every day? What about measurements? Is it better to weigh in the morning or in the evening?



  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Different people prefer different things. Personally I weigh everyday and log it in a spreadsheet to keep track of fluctuations. Because if you fluctuate and only weigh every week, how do you know that the one day you weigh isn't a fluctuation? You may think you've not lost or even gained weight that week and get upset, but you've actually lost and just happened to weigh on a day where you've got a bit of extra water weight or whatever. But some people say that weighing every day makes them obsess over it (personally I think weighing every week would make me obsess over it more), so do whatever you think suits you best. I always weigh in the morning before eating. That's when you're most likely to be the same weight each day as it won't be affected by what you've eaten, and you'll probably be at your lightest.

    As for measuring, I tend to do it whenever I do a weigh-in on MFP, which is usually around every 5 lbs, or just when I feel like it.
  • mikenelson20
    mikenelson20 Posts: 44 Member
    I take my weight every 3 or 4 days but I also understanding that the weight can fluctuate even though overall I know it is going down. You can gain or lose (or both) up to 2 pounds a day. I just use these numbers as a guide and don't put to much emphasis on them. I have my "weigh in" every 2 weeks, but look at the numbers on a monthly bases. It doesn't matter when you weigh yourself as long as you do it under the same conditions. I weigh myself first thing in the morning, after I use the washroom and get a large drink of water. As far a measurements, once a month.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Weigh in the morning. Wake, pee, weight. It's the only consistent weight you can get. all day Your body naturally fluctuates 3-5 pounds throughout the day.

    As for how often that is a personal choice. I prefer every single day and chart it so you can learn from the fluctuations, but that's just me. As often as your mind can take is what I recommend.
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I weigh 3 times a week - Sunday morning, Wednesday morning and Friday morning - first thing and after I've peed... but I only record the Sunday recording in MFP. I just like knowing how I'm progressing during the week. Like on Tuesday I felt really bloated and I'm a bit hormonal this week so I'm not expecting to lose any weight - this has pretty much been backed up by my Wednesday and Friday weigh ins which have come in at exactly the same as last Sunday.

    I am planning on measuring every 2 weeks.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Personally I weigh everyday and log it in a spreadsheet to keep track of fluctuations. Because if you fluctuate and only weigh every week, how do you know that the one day you weigh isn't a fluctuation? You may think you've not lost or even gained weight that week and get upset, but you've actually lost and just happened to weigh on a day where you've got a bit of extra water weight or whatever. But some people say that weighing every day makes them obsess over it (personally I think weighing every week would make me obsess over it more), so do whatever you think suits you best. I always weigh in the morning before eating. That's when you're most likely to be the same weight each day as it won't be affected by what you've eaten, and you'll probably be at your lightest.

    Marry me! :wink:
