Lost all of my motivation



  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    luckily i haven't lost my motivation yet, I've been disappointed, and frustrated but haven't lost my motto. I just keep thinking about my goals and how much i want them. i know for certain giving up won't get me to my goal, so I have to stick with it.
  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    First I would say log in EVERYDAY and encourage someone else sometimes that's where it starts then you will see that people will depend on hearing from you and you will encourage them wbhen you reach your goals as a group when you are successful, we are all going to be successful! Please add me as a friend if you would like.

    I also agree find an exercise program you like last night I did ZUMBA and I loved it don't measure it just by weight because this week, I did a Fatbuster class on Sunday before church, was busy running around the entire day until 11pm and only ate healthy throughout the week and also had very aggressive workouts yet I did not loose a single pound but I don't really care because this week some slacks I put on last week were a lot looser I lost inches and I can see some toning this week as well and I was acually able to do ZUMBA for 1 hour yesterday then I came home ate two waffles and then did the treadmill for 20 mins then hit the weights and then did the elliptical for 20 mins. Remember log in and encourage someone EVERYDAY as if there life depends on it........
  • luly727
    luly727 Posts: 202 Member
    Great advise has been given already and PLEASE do not take this as me being mean..but why did u start here in the first place??

    Why I Want To Get In Shape

    So I wont just keep getting fatter an fatter. I want to have a healthy body. I want to look in the mirror and like what i see.

    Thats what YOU wrote yourself, and after 1 week u lose 7 lbs !! thats Awesome. But we can not make you do it, you have to stay focused on why you came here. Its not easy, but it can be done. But you are the only one that can figure out whats gonna work for you AND then stick with it, one day at a time.
    You may fall off the food wagon one day, but then u get right back on track. Honestly thats the only way its going to work.

    So no matter what we all say, you are going to do what you are goign to do, but in your own words, you are tired of being FAT, well then stick it up, pull yourself up and get back on track!
    And if u logged in , why didnt you record your food intake?? its a great way to see what is actually going into your body PLUS keeps you accountable, so if you need someone to say "hey! you really are going over calories, or eating too much fat etc etc, we can actually see what you are eating..ACCOUNTABILITY :)
    Good Luck