Dam pizza is so delecious :P

Hey guys,
So as you read from the title I have a problem with pizza (Domino's pizza), I try hard to stay away from it but eventually I end up eating 1 medium pan pizza of steak and beef every around 10-14 days.
Now during my normal days in the week I go to the gym 3-4 days a week and burn around 1000-1500 kcalories every day on the elliptical without including the weight machines or the walking around to the gym and stuff.

Anyways, in most days I eat an apple or 2 toasts in the morning for breakfast and then go the collage+gym come back home around 8 PM and eat 1 meal for the day which consists of rice (half a plate) and something vegetarian (e.g leak with mushroom and other vegs) for the other half and sleep for the next day and repeat until the pizza day where I just end up devouring this pizza for the whole day and then go to sleep.

As you can see from my progress I lost some weight but for some reason right now I am stuck at my 87-88 kg and it seems much harder to go below it, is it the pizza? or am I doing something wrong? am I not burning enough calories? should I go to the gym 5 days/week?

I would really appreciate any kind of help/tips on how to fix this and also how to get rid of the pizza habit and tunnel it to somewhere else.

Thanks :D


  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    pizza isn't the problem. It's totally possible to eat pizza and lose weight (I had pizza for supper tonight, too)

    Quantity matters though.
  • 7L551
    7L551 Posts: 82 Member
    pizza isn't the problem. It's totally possible to eat pizza and lose weight (I had pizza for supper tonight, too)

    Quantity matters though.

    That is what I thought as well... Ok I'll try a new technique keeping what am currently eating but reducing my rice and veggy amount
    BTW any ideas how to calculate your own macro?
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Eat more. You're binging because you're not giving your body enough calories. Set your goals on MFP, follow the calorie guidelines it gives you.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Hey guys,
    So as you read from the title I have a problem with pizza (Domino's pizza), I try hard to stay away from it but eventually I end up eating 1 medium pan pizza of steak and beef every around 10-14 days.
    Now during my normal days in the week I go to the gym 3-4 days a week and burn around 1000-1500 kcalories every day on the elliptical without including the weight machines or the walking around to the gym and stuff.

    Anyways, in most days I eat an apple or 2 toasts in the morning for breakfast and then go the collage+gym come back home around 8 PM and eat 1 meal for the day which consists of rice (half a plate) and something vegetarian (e.g leak with mushroom and other vegs) for the other half and sleep for the next day and repeat until the pizza day where I just end up devouring this pizza for the whole day and then go to sleep.

    As you can see from my progress I lost some weight but for some reason right now I am stuck at my 87-88 kg and it seems much harder to go below it, is it the pizza? or am I doing something wrong? am I not burning enough calories? should I go to the gym 5 days/week?

    I would really appreciate any kind of help/tips on how to fix this and also how to get rid of the pizza habit and tunnel it to somewhere else.

    Thanks :D
    It is not the pizza, not if you're logging it and eating at a deficit. Just be patient. Keep at a consistent sustainable calorie deficit and the weight will come off.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    pizza isn't the problem. It's totally possible to eat pizza and lose weight (I had pizza for supper tonight, too)

    Quantity matters though.

    That is what I thought as well... Ok I'll try a new technique keeping what am currently eating but reducing my rice and veggy amount
    BTW any ideas how to calculate your own macro?
    Go here: It will show you how to calculate your macros among other things. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/833026-important-posts-to-read
  • walleymama
    walleymama Posts: 174 Member
    Well, I can't help you with the pizza habit because personally I don't really like it (I'm more of a sweet tooth kind of gal; cake and cookies are irresistible to me!).

    Anyways, I have had a few days where I have gone over my caloric goals, and really, so long as you are sticking to the plan most of the time the only real consequence is that your weight loss goal gets pushed out by a week or so, depending on how much you overate. Most times I think carefully about when I'm going to overindulge and if it is really worth it (Dim Sum with relatives from overseas - priceless) then I just do it and enjoy and accept that my goal is pushed out a bit further.
  • ihateyoga
    Don't binge on anything. You can have pizza, but one or two slices every 2 hours and count your calories. That's what I do. It works well for me.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    Dam Domino's is not delecious.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Are you logging your calories?

    Dominos has a decent nutrition page/app.

    But I feel your "pain". I eat too much Dominos every couple of weeks too. :drinker:

    You should be able to fit it into your plans or invite a friend and share it.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Eat more. You're binging because you're not giving your body enough calories. Set your goals on MFP, follow the calorie guidelines it gives you.

    Nah, it's Pizza. You don't need a reason to eat pizza. :bigsmile:
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Dam Domino's is not delecious.


    Dominos pan pizza is awesome.
  • Flabulousss
    I binge on pizza too... I used to eat whole pizzas for lunch, thinking I'd save the rest for later (yeah right. Lol I put those things away like no one's business! And this was before calorie counting so I wasn't especially hungry, nor do I have a problem with any other food.) I don't really have any answers, except I'm switching to smaller pizzas (9" is still 1000 calories but less than a medium, and I manage to split it between breakfast & lunch.) I think getting them loaded with veggies could slow you down a bit. I feel you though. Pizza Hut is my one major weakness. Childhood memories!
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Honestly, on days that you know you are going to be having pizza you might want to eat more during the day so that you aren't so hungry at night.

    Also, Dominoes is not the best pizza around. Just sayin'.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Aside from fitting it into your calories for the week...have you thought about/tried only ordering a small or personal pan sized pizza instead of a medium?
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    well I do this.... I eat bad stuff & work out & do good....
  • ice1200s
    ice1200s Posts: 237 Member
    Pizza is not your enemy, eating the whole thing is your enemy! Have a cheat day once a week and eat SOME pizza, just not THE pizza. One cheat day a week has been working quite well for me. Good luck!
  • 7L551
    7L551 Posts: 82 Member
    Go here: It will show you how to calculate your macros among other things. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/833026-important-posts-to-read

    Thanks I just did and it gave told me the following
    Your BMR is: 1861 CALORIES/DAY
    Your TDEE is: 2559 CALORIES/DAY
  • 7L551
    7L551 Posts: 82 Member
    Don't binge on anything. You can have pizza, but one or two slices every 2 hours and count your calories. That's what I do. It works well for me.
    seems like an interesting idea, but the thing is I am trying this fasting method where I just eat 1 meal and shut my mouth for the whole day (fasting).
  • 7L551
    7L551 Posts: 82 Member
    Are you logging your calories?

    Dominos has a decent nutrition page/app.

    But I feel your "pain". I eat too much Dominos every couple of weeks too. :drinker:

    You should be able to fit it into your plans or invite a friend and share it.

    I just checked their calorie counter and it seems that it counts around 1680 per pizza, and according to some calculations I did:
    My BMR is: 1861 CALORIES/DAY
    My TDEE is: 2559 CALORIES/DAY

    So hopefully if that is true I should be good eh?
  • 7L551
    7L551 Posts: 82 Member
    I binge on pizza too... I used to eat whole pizzas for lunch, thinking I'd save the rest for later (yeah right. Lol I put those things away like no one's business! And this was before calorie counting so I wasn't especially hungry, nor do I have a problem with any other food.) I don't really have any answers, except I'm switching to smaller pizzas (9" is still 1000 calories but less than a medium, and I manage to split it between breakfast & lunch.) I think getting them loaded with veggies could slow you down a bit. I feel you though. Pizza Hut is my one major weakness. Childhood memories!

    Thanks for sharing your experience I really appreciate it :)
    I don't think the size changes the calories much though :( I just checked the website and the outcome is only around 100 calories :P so not much change.