Addicted to Soda

Hey everyone. I've been using this app for a while now and I really like it because it helps me see just how horrible I eat. I've gotten so much better about eating appropriately, but one thing I just cannot give up is my Mt. Dew. I used to drink 60oz a day and have gotten myself to 20oz, but just can't kick the habit completely. Anyone have any ways that might help me overcome this? I'm willing to try almost anything, honestly. I know that kicking the soda out will help me lose more weight, but that's still not enough motivation for me.


  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Stop buying it. Have diet or a cup of tea when you start to crave it.
  • Flabulousss
    20oz is still a lot. If you cut it down once you can cut it again, until it fits comfortably in your calorie allowance.
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I had a bad soda addiction as well, for me it was coke. For over 20 years I would drink a 2 litre a day. I would go out in a raging blizzard to go get some if I was out. Luckily, I take good care of my teeth or they would have probably rotted out of my head by now. In February when I decided to live a healthier lifestyle I knew the soda had to go as well. I started out drinking the flavored Sparkling Ice drinks from Talking Rain. My Meijer doesn't carry them, I have to get them from Kroger or the small local grocer nearby. I just needed the carbonation. I now drink more water than I do the sparkling ice but will not cut it out completely. I still don't like plain old water with pizza. I have not had a coke since Feb 1st. I can now be around other people drinking it and it doesn't bother me. Good luck.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Carbonated water. But get the good stuff: Pellegrino.
  • angeleyes6480
    I would say try diet sodas or I get the carbonated waters from WalMart they taste great and have no calories. I know with me its the carbonation that I crave (I know sounds weird lol) so I satisfy it with a carbonated water
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    sodas can carry a lot of sodium or caffeine depending on the kind you drink.... and as we all know sodium can be a bummer during weight loss and for your health... and as for caffeine.. tis no better IMO... well too much, one can become addicted. Soda is also a dehydrate... where water is essential for cells to work properly.. I always felt it best to keep hydrated to help my whole body do it's thing.
    I cut out all soda when I started on my WL journey and I replaced it with water... sometimes I use a bit of crystal light or a squirt of Mio to switch it up. Starting is hard, because if you drink a fair bit your body will basically be in withdrawal from it.. headaches etc...

    As with us all, any choices or changes we make on our diet is our own... everyone of us are different and what works for one may not work for another.... only you can decide.
    Best of luck in whatever choice you make ;)
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    If you are talking regular Mt. Dew, I was switch it to Diet at first, and then slowly cut it off by replacing it with something else. I can't imagine the empty calories in that amount. You will be motivated when you see the easy weight loss that will come with the switch! Good luck!
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Its oftentimes the caffeine addiction in Coke.

    Besides that, it tastes so delicious and refreshing and perfect sweetness.

    I did it by going cold turkey and after 3 weeks it totally conquered my craving, but in order to fight the caffeine withdrawal i still had a cup of coffee a day.

    I drank tea, water or milk instead of Coke.

    Now i can have some Coke occasionally without it being addicting. its just like any other food.

    But try the cold turkey method,, it may help you the best since you want to know how I conquered my coke addiction.
  • leuhhrae
    leuhhrae Posts: 6 Member
    I just gave up soda a week ago. At home I would go through a 12 pack in two days, and then my drinks for whatever I had for lunch and dinner when we went out. It was a lot.
    I didn't buy it. I bought bottled water and stocked up on water flavoring packets. Everytime you're thirsty, drink it. I tried weaning off, and personally, that didn't do anything for me because I just held out for that can I got a day. When I had no option. I switched to my water.... and it's actually felt really good.
    Sometimes, even though you don't want to, you just have to kick the habit and fight through it. It's odd but I miss the feel of a can in my hands. That's the worst.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    You might try mixing the 20 oz down with diet Mt. Dew. Maybe increase the amount of diet to regular by 25% each day. then mix the diet mt. dew with sparkling water.

    One friend of mine did it by using those citrus mio's in sparkling water, but I don't think that helps with the caffeine in Mt. Dew... Best wishes!
  • OBsaurus
    Thanks for the advice everyone. I have been trying to go cold turkey, but then I seem to get twitchy and the headaches begin. I'm sure most of it's mental, but I think mental is enough. I've tried the diet sodas, but I have one of those palates that is extremely picky when it comes to taste. I honestly took 2 drinks of a diet Mt. Dew, threw it in the trash, and bought a regular one to get that taste out of my mouth. It's only Mt. Dew too. I don't crave any other soft drink. I'll have to try carbonated water. I know it's not the caffeine because I've switched to coffee and low carb energy drinks with no alleviation from the cravings. I know a lot of this has to do with will power, and I'm so used to doing, getting, and eating whatever I want that it's going to take some time to change. Thanks again for the responses and please keep them coming. If I can kick this addiction, I'll be much happier.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    I have one of those palates that is extremely picky when it comes to taste. I honestly took 2 drinks of a diet Mt. Dew, threw it in the trash

    Me too. Artificial sweeteners make me gag. HOW can other people not taste them? Way to ruin food. And I can't drink plain water either (yes I'm aware that's a first-world problem, to my shame).

    Also - if you do get carbonated water - it's amazing straight out of the fridge - with some freshly squeezed orange or lemon juice, just for a bit of flavour.
  • TyatKU
    TyatKU Posts: 31 Member
    I cringe saying this because I'm a dentist, but try a different regular soda or coffee with sugar. You may just be addicted to the sugar content, of which Mt Dew has some of the highest content among sodas. The caffeine doesn't help the addictive part either.

    You have to WANT to quit otherwise you won't succeed. I bet if I could talk to you about your teeth (history of daily 60 oz of Mt Dew, wow!), you may find more motivation.
  • davidf88
    I am totally addicted to full fat Soda drinks, coca-cola, Dr pepper being my most addicted to ones.
    Also I do love to have Fresh orange juice and then top it up with fizzy sprite, or fizzy lemonade! - Which is even worse.
    I don't really know how to get myself to stop drinking this, cause I know its affecting my body etc
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    One afternoon I was hanging out and bored. I chose to read the ingridents list on my 20oz regular Mt Dew bottle.....there was something strange that stuck out to me: Brominated Vegetable Oil

    I thought, "What in the world? Vegetable oil in my soda??" - so I got on the internet and researched that phrase. Soon as I realized that Brominated Vegetable Oil is aka a flame retardant chemical - made me quickly think twice about having any more of that!

    Of course, I mean there is crap in what we eat lol - I get that. But the idea of 1 thing I was 100% aware of, and that I could 100% prevent of getting inside my body - I figured it was the least I could do for me. :)
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone. I have been trying to go cold turkey, but then I seem to get twitchy and the headaches begin. I'm sure most of it's mental, but I think mental is enough. I've tried the diet sodas, but I have one of those palates that is extremely picky when it comes to taste. I honestly took 2 drinks of a diet Mt. Dew, threw it in the trash, and bought a regular one to get that taste out of my mouth. It's only Mt. Dew too. I don't crave any other soft drink. I'll have to try carbonated water. I know it's not the caffeine because I've switched to coffee and low carb energy drinks with no alleviation from the cravings. I know a lot of this has to do with will power, and I'm so used to doing, getting, and eating whatever I want that it's going to take some time to change. Thanks again for the responses and please keep them coming. If I can kick this addiction, I'll be much happier.

    Yeah just like when you see heroin addicts in detox where they do cold turkey. Thats why I drink coffee because it will give me the caffeine.. in fact, maybe you could try drinking a coffee if you get the jitters because you are weaning yourself off Coke. It may be you have to put up with it for a week if you really want to give up the Coke. If you cant do that and are not willing to up up with the discomfort of the headaches, then you can wean yourself slowly off.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone. I have been trying to go cold turkey, but then I seem to get twitchy and the headaches begin. I'm sure most of it's mental, but I think mental is enough. I've tried the diet sodas, but I have one of those palates that is extremely picky when it comes to taste. I honestly took 2 drinks of a diet Mt. Dew, threw it in the trash, and bought a regular one to get that taste out of my mouth. It's only Mt. Dew too. I don't crave any other soft drink. I'll have to try carbonated water. I know it's not the caffeine because I've switched to coffee and low carb energy drinks with no alleviation from the cravings. I know a lot of this has to do with will power, and I'm so used to doing, getting, and eating whatever I want that it's going to take some time to change. Thanks again for the responses and please keep them coming. If I can kick this addiction, I'll be much happier.

    Those twitchy feelings are withdrawal symptoms, both physical and mental. Depending on how bad your addiction is, they can last a couple of days or weeks, maybe months. You can try weaning yourself down until you don't drink Dew anymore, which sounds like it's working.

    TBH, if you can fit a can of Dew in your daily calories/macros, go for it. Pretty sure it won't kill you unless you choke on it. :drinker:
  • OBsaurus
    I was able to wean myself down to 20oz because I have to go to the store to buy it. By avoiding the store except on my way to work, I've been able to keep from getting more. Funny thing is, I decided that going to 12oz was the next logical step, except that they only come in 12 packs, which meant I had access to more than one a day, which meant I started drinking more than one a day. Anyways, I know it's the mental part that I have to overcome, and the jitters and headaches will get better, I just have to keep pushing. I suppose I'm just hoping there's some miracle drug that inhibits the effect of all that sugar so I could still enjoy it without the unfortunate side effects.

    Oh and Darling, I had read about the Brominated Vegetable oil. It's really freaky and does help me say no every once in a while. It's crazy to think that stuff is banned in several other first world countries, but not in the States.
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    Hey everyone. I've been using this app for a while now and I really like it because it helps me see just how horrible I eat. I've gotten so much better about eating appropriately, but one thing I just cannot give up is my Mt. Dew. I used to drink 60oz a day and have gotten myself to 20oz, but just can't kick the habit completely. Anyone have any ways that might help me overcome this? I'm willing to try almost anything, honestly. I know that kicking the soda out will help me lose more weight, but that's still not enough motivation for me.

    As far as sodas go, I can typically take them or leave them. Since I've started keeping track of my caloric intake, I haven't had the same desire as previously. It's not that I think they are inherently "bad," but I would rather "spend" my calories on something else.

    I'm sure you've tried the diet version of Mt. Dew, and I assume that isn't a substitute for you. I normally don't like the diet version of sodas, but I find diet Mt. Dew surprisingly close to the original.

    ETA: I see you already tried diet Mt. Dew, and didn't like it all that much. :sick:
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I was able to wean myself down to 20oz because I have to go to the store to buy it. By avoiding the store except on my way to work, I've been able to keep from getting more. Funny thing is, I decided that going to 12oz was the next logical step, except that they only come in 12 packs, which meant I had access to more than one a day, which meant I started drinking more than one a day. Anyways, I know it's the mental part that I have to overcome, and the jitters and headaches will get better, I just have to keep pushing. I suppose I'm just hoping there's some miracle drug that inhibits the effect of all that sugar so I could still enjoy it without the unfortunate side effects.

    Oh and Darling, I had read about the Brominated Vegetable oil. It's really freaky and does help me say no every once in a while. It's crazy to think that stuff is banned in several other first world countries, but not in the States.

    Well there are two ways to combat your coke addiction - weaning and cold turkey. depends which one can work for you.

    one thing about weaning slowly, your still in my opinion, stimulating the things inside you that are triggering your addiction. thats why i think cold turkey is best - 0 percent coke. Take advil if you have headaches, it may be worth it because it might only be a few days of discomfort. it may also be ok this time. I think Mt Dew must be the worst for some reason.

    I just thought of something - what about getting some generic soda which doesn't really taste as strong as coke. it might help a bit in that you are drinking a little of cola, but it wont taste as good, (theres something about Coke that has the best most evilly-delicious flavor) so perhaps if you get a craving and you go for the blah generic type, your tastes will change.

    actually your tastes will change, if you go without coke for a while, if you do drink it, it tastes super sweet and almost not-as-drinkalby deliciously addicting :)