Net Calories

shipleyak Posts: 65 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Since, I have joined here I have learned that I am naturally active and on a good diet. I haven't had to make alot of changes to stay under my calories. With the activities I do taking care of children and adding on 1 exercise I am normally 600 to 900 calories under my net calories. Do I need to eat these exercise calories back or am I ok if I have at least my 1200.


  • leofink
    leofink Posts: 13 Member
    Honestly, though I love MFP and my iPhone app, I prefer the method of figuring out my BMR and multiplying for my activity level. I see my activity as being "Lightly Active," which has a multiplier of 1.375. Then I eat about 15%-20% below that number. Every 4th day, I eat to my activity level again. You can start adjusting after a week or two of watching the data.

    I've been very successful with this method. Almost 80 lbs down since September!

    I never record exercise, so I know I'm just dealing with my perceived activity level. Please trust me that all calories burned for certain activities are estimates anyway. I've seen something tell a friend that he had burned 1000 calories for walking for 70 minutes. I'm not sure I buy that, so I really could not add 1000 calories to my total calories for that day.

    Good luck!
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    I think if your net is at least 1200, it is up to you as to whether or not you want to eat your exercise calories back in part, or whole. I only get 1200 a day, so I HAVE to eat my exercise calories to maintain a net of 1200.
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