Emotional eating

Does anyone have any tips to help with emotional eating?


  • cfergusontx
    Wait ten minutes. That will usually let the feeling pass and you'll find something else to do. It helps me.
  • Listen to some music that makes you dance as you do some housework. X
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    when you see your favorite food, dont stare at it lovingly as if its your boyfriend. Dont fantasize about how creamy juicy yummy delicious it is. Dont let food be a salvation for emotions, instead, find something else to do that to like a hobby instead.

    just treat food like what it is - nutrition for your body.

    If you get stressed or have a bad day, sometimes you have to decide to have something nice to eat. But if you do, as in all our food, budget your MFP numbers for it. That way you can enjoy food and splurge a little.

    Sometimes if you do end up eating too much comfort food, if you do go over the day's budget, just accept it, record it down, even if you go over 300 calories, but you needed the nourishment, so just begin again the next day and it will in the big picture, overall for the week, balance itself out. If you have choices between whats better for your MFP numbers or food that is not, if you can, pick the better choices.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    When a person is an emotional eater there are usually some episode in your life that made you resort to using food as a coping mechanism and depending on the years spent honing that skill will definitely determine the amount of work you will have to do to overcome it.
    I am an emotional eater with many years of experience. In the last year I have spent many hours in CBT, MACT, Self-Esteem and many other programs working on me. It is a daily struggle, some days easier than others but the most important thing is to get help.

    I am not sure of your history, but emotional eating is an eating disorder, not widely recognized, but it is a disorder that some do need help in over coming. It is not simple by any means to overcome... but as anything in life attainable if you want it.

    Food is all around us, at every function we go... we definitely cant abstain from eating like an alcoholic does with liquor. So what can we do.

    Look after yourself.... your esteem is a first that gets hit when overeating... the self loathing and low self esteem doesn't put u in the best frame of mind to fight such a behaviour.

    Find things you love to do that gives you a good feeling about yourself. One has to be aware of the follies of this because this is where the grey line of transference can leap in.

    Be kind to yourself... you will slip... but realize a slip doesn't mean failure. With overeating and the uncontrollable-ness one feels ..feelin a failure is common... which just lowers your esteem and keep you in the eat mode.

    Get support...and or talk to a friend

    Changing one's mind of this is bad food and this is good food will be counterproductive... for what do we go to in a frenzy? Treats are fine once you feel in control of the behaviour but you and I know once in that mode sometimes there is no moderation.

    Know your triggers and write a game plan of what possible things you can do just in case. eg. You are having a bad day.. you feel like the peanut butter jar is hollering out to you from the cupboard... get a glass of water and go do an activity to keep occupied.

    Look at motivational quotes.. post them on your fridge or mirror.

    Look in the mirror and say "I love you" or "I am worth it" I know this was hard for me to do at first and mean it.
  • operator646
    operator646 Posts: 155 Member
    Thanks for sharing your insight on emotional eating. I have recently started seeing a therapist who specializes in eating disorders. It has been 5 months, but finally at the last session I actually realized what triggered my last downward spiral. I can't even imagine getting to the point where I could ever figure out what was that episode that may have started this addiction I have with food.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Thanks for sharing your insight on emotional eating. I have recently started seeing a therapist who specializes in eating disorders. It has been 5 months, but finally at the last session I actually realized what triggered my last downward spiral. I can't even imagine getting to the point where I could ever figure out what was that episode that may have started this addiction I have with food.

    cognitive behavior therapy has a very excellent success rate. they teach you to not react to things in a bad way, and to learn how to re-think your thoughts in a more reasonable way, consequently, crises and problems are able to be handled and not so mountainous. its really excellent what you learn :)
  • weisegirl1119
    weisegirl1119 Posts: 122 Member
    Thanks for the input !!!
  • katbirdinpa
    apples, they are loud and crunchy and sweet at the same time
  • tjl2329
    tjl2329 Posts: 169 Member
    I do the same thing. Fiber one 90 cals. Even if I eat 3 only 270 calories. Carrots and celery. Peanuts cheese. Snack size. Sugar free jello or pudding. I am trying to control eating but I am realisric. Sometimes I give in. Other day I had a bad day. Ate a double cheeseburger and fries. Whole thing. Usually only eat 3/4 with a salad. But I went to gym and just started better next day.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    Therapy :-) It really helps!
  • ashandstuff
    ashandstuff Posts: 442 Member
    I'm an admitted emotional eater. I keep it under control by giving myself what I want, but in smaller portions.
    Maybe try that.

    Usually I find that if I am strict with myself I can have one scoop of ice cream instead of the whole carton, I still get the quick fix of feel-good feelings and sugar I crave but I'm not completely going overboard about it.

    It's all about moderation. But that is a really hard thing to do for some people. Like others have said, maybe get some friendly advice from those around you so there is a support system!

    Baby steps.

    Everytime I tried to completely cut myself off from it I failed miserably, but that is also another option that works for some people.