Do you wear shoes for kickboxing?

If so, what have you found to be good kickboxing shoes? I know lots of people go barefoot, but I'd prefer shoes :)


  • th94stang
    th94stang Posts: 2 Member
    I wear shoes also. I have not found a good pair yet. A woman in my class the other day had those toe shoes on. She said she liked them for kickboxing. I thought I would check them out.
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    Are you talking about a real kickboxing class in a Martial Arts studio, or one at your local gym? If you are going to learn traditional kickboxing, it is always done in bare feet. (I own a martial arts school) If you are taking a class at your local gym, then you would want to wear good cross trainers. There is a big difference in traditional kickboxing, and the classes that are professed to be kickboxing.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    The more minimal heel lift the better, IMO. New Balance Minimus are my shoes of choice.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition