Spice up your life--literally

Hi, one thing that has helped me is incorporating spices into your drinks and meals as much as possible. There r many good spices out there for health benefits. I have found the best for me as Ginger, Cayenne Pepper, Turmeric and Vietnamese Cinnamon. I am always experimenting but look into these spices as there are many benefits. The Pepper is hot and spicy, the cinnamon is great in green tea and Ginger also in Tea. The Turmeric can be used on almost anything. The Cinnamon helps fight food cravings as well....The Pepper is awesome for you, I try to mix it in with Brown Rice. Its hot but if you can stand it or like to spice stuff up, this stuff will help.


  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I looooove cumin. I will season my chicken, potatoes, and vegetables with salt, pepper, cumin, and a wee bit of chili powder. 'Tis heaven.