Losing My Motivation

oOLiveYourLifeOo Posts: 76
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
So I am starting to lose my motivation. I started a prescribed diet program in May and then CrossFit about a month ago. So far, I've lost 16 pounds (or so my scale says). I started my internship at the beginning of the month and since then, I've been eating horrible. I am so ashamed that I don't even record what I eat anymore. Like I go out and eat with one of the other ladies in my office and I don't want to tell her no because I need to make connections. The restaurants we go to are full of Southern food. The healthiest I eat is when I decide to eat in the office and order sushi from down the road.

I'm wanting to try to continue to bust my butt and lose weight. I've met this guy that I like and I want him to see that I am determined. I don't want to "settle" and gain wight like I've done in the past with guys. I want him to see me as beautiful and sexy - I want him to be proud of me.



  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    I would love to help you get motivated again! Have you tried counting calories and or exercising with a particular favorite workout? I can give you the motivation to keep going!You can support me too! we'll look super sexy for our men! ive been with my boyfriend for 4 years now and i want him to see a slimer more confident me! wanna join me? lol
  • OnieBee
    OnieBee Posts: 67
    Now that I'm working I'm not as dedicated with inputting my food online. One I don't have as much time anymore and two when I do get a chance it seems too time consuming. What I do now is carry around a small pocket size note book and I write down everything I put into my mouth. It helps me stay within my calorie allowance even when I'm not at home. Also pre-planning your meals and snacks will help and if you go out to eat try asking for a take home menu and take the time to find what is your best option even if that means only a salad! Let your co-workers know how important this is to you and see if there can be a compromise on the location, perhaps rotating the restaurants.

    Good luck! I know it can be hard, but stay strong with your choices and keep your goal in mind!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Hey - look at your profile....
    Why I Want To Get In Shape

    I want to lose weight and get in shape b/c I am ready to feel comfortable in my own skin.
    My Inspirations

    * My American Eagle jeans
    * Finally feeling good in my own skin
    * My family

    Maybe if you put your inspirations in a different order you'll see why this is important.
    Your family
    Nobody every said that this would be easy - You need to find it in you to stick with it.
    I bet if you were honest with your coworker she would understand. I don't know a woman who wouldn't understand your want, your need to lose weight.
    Stop hiding - start losing - start living.
    It's your choice...
    Good luck.
  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    Don't give up think about it this way, you are only 21 and you want to take control of your eating habits now you don't want them to control you. Congratulations on the weight that you have lost that is significant! If you lost the 16 pounds don't try to gain them back since you mentioned that you have not been eating well.

    I work downtown Chicago there are plenty of restaurants there but I bring my lunch that way I know exactly what is in the foods I eat. Don't be ashamed to record also remember that your MFP's also depend on you to succeed if you are like me, if someone depends on me, I am going to go 100% plus today someone brought in 2 pound cakes and some butter cookies which do you think I had neither you know why because those choices got me to this point. You can say no to the person in your office there will always be connections to be made in the office connect by bringing her a healthy lunch you made. Southern foods I know how to cook them all but I don't eat them at restaurants ever.............I hope you are also incorporating your excercise. Lastly, look good for yourself, look sexy and beautiful for yourself not ANY MAN sorry guys if you were listening. Make this about you not anyone else. Lastly remember you will have many friends on MFP who already think you are sexy, beautiful and are looking forward to making us more proud of you since we are already proud of your loosing 16 pounds!!!!!!! Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.
  • goldspaula
    goldspaula Posts: 161
    Hi Friend,

    I'm still trying to figure this out for myself, but I want to share a little story about I girl that I have known for just about 10 years now. She went on a mission for our church and gained a bit of weight, well, probably about 30 pounds. She was always just a little overweight, but when she came back my beautiful little friend was just really stressed out by her weight. I saw here try lots of things,but just about a year ago she chose for herself to get serious and lose the weight. She stopped trying to do it for everyone else, but she did it for herself.

    She joined a gym and started working out. Time flies and it was like watching time lapse photography! She's now a size 8 and getting married next Friday. I guess my advice is, if you want this for yourself, really want it, you'll make it happen. Everyday is a new opportunity to keep your food journal and get some exercise. I love southern foods too, just two words, portion control. Take leftovers home, and if you don't eat them later, it's all good.

    You are doing great at 16 pounds down! I can't wait until I can say that! Keep up the good work.

    And what is CrossFit? I haven't heard of that. :D

  • SuzanneRogers
    SuzanneRogers Posts: 250 Member
    Don't lose your motivation. Go to lunch but remember portion control ask for to go box put 1/2 if not more away. Stick to salad or grilled veggies and grilled chicken. I still go to eat with friends on regular bases but I remember to not let it wreck my day. Just don't give up, try to bring your lunch to work it you can at least 1/2 the time so you don't eat badly while you are at work.

    Just remember to take it one day at a time. Plan ahead to workout, what you are going to eat. I usually check out online menus so I can check the nutritional value of the food before even walking in the door.

    Just keep telling yourself I can do, I can do anything I put my mind to do.
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    :wink: Maybe you can tell your lady you lunch with that you are trying to eat healthier and would she care to join you at another restaurant (that you can scope out and eat healthy) save 1/2 and really EXERCISE. If you are planning for it you can do it. The important thing is keep logging, I log every single dingle day, whether it's good or not, and when I say every day, I mean every day, vacation, easter, my birthday. At this point I am at a point where I am just hanging on not trying to gain anything back, and that's o.k., but I keep logging. You can do it! :tongue:
  • Congrats on the weight lose.. I eat crappy i do but just remember the next day is always a chance for the fresh start. I have just been going to the gym and working out and i really haven't changed my diet much except I dont drink soda anymore.. But for you honey I say look in the mirror tell yourself how beautiful you are NO MATTER WHAT WEIGHT YOU ARE.. and then try again the next day. Good luck hon..
  • Thanks everyone for the kind words ^.^ this means a lot to me. I just downloaded MPF on my iPod so I'm going to try to keep up with counting my calories while I'm at work. I need to buckle down on this...

    Paula - CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program. It doesn't specialize on any specific workout and uses a range of workouts. Their motto is actually "Forging Elite Fitness" CrossFit uses 10 principle "domains" (which are cardio, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, agility, balance, coordination and accuracy). Check out www.crossfit.com - they post new workouts every day.
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    beleive it or not it become 2nd nature and addicting to use the calorie counter to look up the different calories in foods. they have almost everything your looking for from know chains too! I feel like i need to check everything and it is a big wake up call... ill think twice now if i want a Mcdonalds burger over a homemade lean turkey burger, lol
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Honestly you can always order a salad.Yes, I know, it's boring. Bring your own dressing though, and just get like a salad and a side of corn on the cob or something. And if they don't have chicken or whatever kind of meat salads, you can bring a seasoned salmon/tuna steak(they come in pouches now instead of a can) and throw that on top of a side salad. Yeah it seems weird to bring your own food to a restaraunt, but it would be a major change from eating bacon fried greens and fried chicken.
  • ktcarr82
    ktcarr82 Posts: 18
    I know how you feel. I have friends that I go to lunch with and it is so hard to go and not blow your day. I am trying to get better about going and making wiser choices. Once we wrap our head around the fact that WE decide whether we succeed or fail, things will look up. Good luck and try to let your co-worker know that you are trying to eat healthier. You do not have to stop eating with her, I know all about making friends. You never know, she may appreciate knowing you are dieting and do it with you.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    beleive it or not it become 2nd nature and addicting to use the calorie counter to look up the different calories in foods. they have almost everything your looking for from know chains too! I feel like i need to check everything and it is a big wake up call... ill think twice now if i want a Mcdonalds burger over a homemade lean turkey burger, lol
    omgggg i do that that too....last night i was RAVENOUS
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    beleive it or not it become 2nd nature and addicting to use the calorie counter to look up the different calories in foods. they have almost everything your looking for from know chains too! I feel like i need to check everything and it is a big wake up call... ill think twice now if i want a Mcdonalds burger over a homemade lean turkey burger, lol
    omgggg i do that that too....last night i was RAVENOUS
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    beleive it or not it become 2nd nature and addicting to use the calorie counter to look up the different calories in foods. they have almost everything your looking for from know chains too! I feel like i need to check everything and it is a big wake up call... ill think twice now if i want a Mcdonalds burger over a homemade lean turkey burger, lol

    Omg i do that same exact thing!!! Last night we had unexpected company, and when they left i was RAVENOUS. So, i came on here and typed in all these different things from mcdonalds to see exactly what i wanted. So i got a 10 piece chicken nugget(480 cals) and 2 side salads(80 cals) and used my own dressing and no crutons or dipping sauce.
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    lol i tend to do what i like to call "grazing" and being like Oooomg I WANT TO RIGHT NOW!, LOL! imagine that im eating those horrible foodies then try to sleep of the urge if imagining doesnt work, lol:tongue:
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