Frustration. Sister taking diet pills, loosing alot!



  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    I agree that cardio is not required for weight loss, but it sure helps a lot, and 20-30 minutes a day has been proven to have positive effects on your body. You'll feel better and have more energy too. Your heart is a muscle just like other parts of your body like your bicep and quads, it needs to be worked out too. Cardio can be boring, but you can always switch it up. I try to do some each day but can't always swing it, but by doing cardio you could eat just 250 calories less per day and 20 minutes of cardio and be able to eat a little more.

    Also, if you do around 30-35 minutes of cardio your metabolism will stay elevated slightly well into the next day and help you burn more calories the following day as well. So you get more than just the 200-300 calories you burned on the elliptical, you get some after effects too.

    I think everyone on this thread has nailed it though, diet pills are a bad idea. I'd stay away from them and just lose weight the natural way. Much better in the long rum and better for your overall health as well.