how long did it take for you to get serious about this



  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    you know what guys? I am ready but I don't want to work hard. I want quick results. please no rude responses because im just being honest and I think that's the start to it all is admitting that I have a problem and what the problem is. I hate what I see in the mirror and I wake up and say ok today is the day im going to change my life and get healthy. Ill do this for 3 days or more and then quit because eating healthy is not what im used to. I don't like it. it doesn't taste good so I eat what im used to and what makes me feel good but its actually doing damage to my body. i started with quitting sodas. i haven't had a soda in 3 months. i try to incorporate more veggies and fruits in my diet now but honestly its not enough. im not doing enough but theres this thing in me that wont leave this site alone again and im not giving up this time. im just going to keep at it until i get it right

    but please all take a look at my diary. it is open for all i believe and if not add me. im open to suggestions.
  • ColetteM6
    ColetteM6 Posts: 138 Member
    Take it one day at a time! I've had the same exact mentally as you- 'great, I'm losing! Kick back'. But this time I wake up every morning and say, 'do it again, girl, keep doing what you're doing'. If I have a slack day it's because I said so, and with full understanding that tomorrow is a go getter day.
  • lharri0209
    lharri0209 Posts: 128 Member
    I have struggled with my weight since I was 8yrs old. I lost weight in the past but, was basically starving myself every day. So, the weight came back each time. I gained weight big time during my pregnancies because my metabolism was wrecked from the previous extreme dieting. Whatever I ate, my body seemed to absorb. After this last pregnancy, I reached my highest weight ever of 202lbs. I knew that I had to get my butt in gear and in a healthier way this time. I dieted first healthily by cutting out the junk and reducing my calories. Then, I joined mfp this passed August and began exercising at least 5 days a week. I have been serious about this weight loss journey ever since. I will not stop until I reach my goal weight and will work on maintaining after that.
  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    Take it one day at a time! I've had the same exact mentally as you- 'great, I'm losing! Kick back'. But this time I wake up every morning and say, 'do it again, girl, keep doing what you're doing'. If I have a slack day it's because I said so, and with full understanding that tomorrow is a go getter day.

    thank you. it just feels good to know that there are people who are just like you and understand where youre coming from
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I was already losing weight when I joined MFP. The only reason I joined was to be able to see the food database for nutritional info (can't see it without an account). I stay because MFP allows me to track sodium and I'm patiently waiting to be creeped on.
  • just4nessa
    just4nessa Posts: 459 Member
    Are you maybe trying to make changes that are too drastic? (Can't see your diary, only going by what you've said.) You don't have to give up anything though; I saw progress as soon as I started paying attention to portion sizes. You can choose to give up some things that know aren't very good for you, but you don't have to. You don't have to eat foods you don't like. I eat everything and anything I want. I weigh/measure my portions carefully and recognize that some things that I used to eat mindlessly or every day are now only occasional treats.
  • IngePF
    Thank you for your post. It's very motivational.
  • benjicloverdale
    benjicloverdale Posts: 92 Member
    5 yrs total, and I think 3 yrs after starting MFP. Had good results in the beginning, then slacked off due to illnesses/injuries/life events. Pounds came back.

    As others have said, it needs to be a lifestyle change, not a temporary fix.

    I don't know if anyone else feels like this, but when MFP posts those "You have logged in for ___ days," it kinda makes me feel like I'm at an AA meeting (or at least what I see on TV/movies): "Hello. My name is ___. I have been food sober for ___ days." [Everyone else: "Welcome ____."]

    Bad food/lifestyle choices are like addictions, and you have to take it one day at a time...and stick with the 'program'.

    Good luck to you!
  • butterpecan_ts
    butterpecan_ts Posts: 48 Member
    I started to really get serious when I stopped worrying about doing things perfectly and quickly. I decided that I would take things one step at a time and change eating habits slowly. It took me a couple of years before I started losing weight, but now I have eating habits that are now my new norm.. And now I am losing weight fairly quickly without thinking about it much.
  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    Are you maybe trying to make changes that are too drastic? (Can't see your diary, only going by what you've said.) You don't have to give up anything though; I saw progress as soon as I started paying attention to portion sizes. You can choose to give up some things that know aren't very good for you, but you don't have to. You don't have to eat foods you don't like. I eat everything and anything I want. I weigh/measure my portions carefully and recognize that some things that I used to eat mindlessly or every day are now only occasional treats.

    i believe this is what im doing. my changes are too drastic and i don't weigh my food at all. in my family for as far back as i can remember i never ever saw my grandmother weigh food. it was always measured by hand and that's where i learned how to cook. if i could control my portion sizes i would be ok but smaller portions don't fill me up
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    I've always been serious. I stopped logging and watching what I ate bc for a while, I didn't care. I knew that I could lose weight again, just like I did when I decided to lose weight.
  • KitaT92
    KitaT92 Posts: 50 Member
    Admitting that you have a problem is ALWAYS the 1st step. We all love food and we have at lest one thing that we want to eat all the time whether it's sweets, french fries, or potato chips. The thing is that you have to make up your mind that this is what you want and decide to stick with it. Don't deprive yourself of your favorite food. However, eat clean all week and allow yourself that one cheat day (don't overdo it though). If you want it bad enough stick with it even after you lose two pounds or ten pounds.

    My highest weight was 203, This time last year I was size 12. I made up my mind to get serious, set a goal, changed my eating habits for the most part, work out 4-5 days per week. Each time I set a goal and reach it, I set a new goal.

    Not only do you have to change up your exercise routine from time to time, you also have to change up your good eating habits.....confuse your body. Weigh your foods, read labels, watch sodium intake, drink plenty of water, stay away from sodas, limit alcohol sounds like alot but it's all doable.

    We are a support group, but just because you lose 2 lbs doesn't mean you fall off the wagon and stay off, get back on.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Are you maybe trying to make changes that are too drastic? (Can't see your diary, only going by what you've said.) You don't have to give up anything though; I saw progress as soon as I started paying attention to portion sizes. You can choose to give up some things that know aren't very good for you, but you don't have to. You don't have to eat foods you don't like. I eat everything and anything I want. I weigh/measure my portions carefully and recognize that some things that I used to eat mindlessly or every day are now only occasional treats.

    i believe this is what im doing. my changes are too drastic and i don't weigh my food at all. in my family for as far back as i can remember i never ever saw my grandmother weigh food. it was always measured by hand and that's where i learned how to cook. if i could control my portion sizes i would be ok but smaller portions don't fill me up

    Hi - I think you have posed an interesting question - and your situation is similar to mine. I did not want to change what I normally ate - I HATE fruits and veggies, I am a meat and potatoes girl, and I love me some sweets! I have had trouble every holiday season due to my sweet tooth. The first year here I gained weight back over the holidays, but I kept plugging away and lost those pounds and then I got "back on the wagon" and kept losing - at the rate of 1-2 lbs a week, But there have been periods where I went off the diet, and just hung out here on MFP and kept logging my food even though I wasn't losing weight. I wanted to keep the mentality going - the mentality that this is a lifestyle change.

    I joined an online community here on MFP where I have friends and am accountable to them by chatting with them daily - that helps a lot.

    For that feeling of being hungry - I take Metamucil fiber additive and drink that before my major meals every day. That is only 20 calories and gives me a sensation of fullness plus gives me the fiber I need since I don't eat veggies or fruit. It is a big help in the feeling full department.

    I save my sweets for the end of the day and eat Fiber One 90 cal. brownies - 2 of them in the evening. What a thrill !

    Now I've learned how to manage my calories by logging them, I am better equipped to handle the holidays and the extra temptations. If I know I'm going to be around someone's holiday baked goods, I will pre-plan so I can eat 1-2 cookies or whatever and allow for the calories in my daily planning.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
  • Brandonalex15
    Brandonalex15 Posts: 101 Member
    hey prettygirl01 . everything you posted in this topic reminds me exactly off me..........EXACTLY OF ME ..............
    ill do good for 3 days and then ill mess up and gain even more weight . i always tell myself that im serious , and im gonna eat less today but but i alwaysss mess up , i want quick, easy results just like you. ive been exercising everyday no days off for 5 MONTHS and have seen NO weight loss. cos like you, i loveee to eat a binge eater ..... but the sooner you and i realiz that we absolutley NEED to eat better/ and less... thats when the results will start coming
  • paulygi
    paulygi Posts: 58
    About 4 monthes is what it took for everything to become habit. Habit I hate breaking. What got me serious was going for gastic bypass orientation and listening to the pre and post op(life long) diet. It was right then I said no way I'm putting myself through that and then losing my eating freedom when I'm done. I know if I fail this time the only solution is surgery and I dont want that ever. So everytime I think about eating unhealthy or over eating, I give myself a mental slap and walk away from the kitchen.