Newbie here, two weeks in! Could use friends :)



  • logikvegan
    Hey I'm new here too! As well as a lot of other people :) and I would like to make friends so we could support each other :)
  • Smiles4Leja
    HI there!! Im brand new as well and I would love to be friends!! I have so much in common with you!! I never thought I would step on the scale and see 294 on the scale but yep there I am!!! Im ready to get this weight off and I would love to be an encourager as well as have some awesome new friends to encourage me as well!! I want to be a better mama!! I want to be comfortable in my own skin and be able to be active with my four kiddos!! Add me girl and lets do this together!! =)
  • LumpySpacePrincess1
    Feel free to add or message me whenever. New to the site, two weeks into the diet, two months into the exercise routine.
    Something I learned was that it wasn't necessarily essential to eat low cal food, just remove the high calorie junk. I still eat bread, rice, cheese, etc. just smaller amounts.
    We're both eating the same calories, so this food triangle from Dummies might help you as well:
    6 bread items (bread, pasta, rice), 3-4 fruit-veg, 6oz. fish/meat, 2 dairy, oil and sweets sparingly.
    I find that counting the types of food helps almost as much as the calorie counting, because it helps plan meals.
    You're doing awesome btw. Make sure not to rush your body to avoid stretch marks and sag. Do light exercise 5 times. Just walk, it's enough. Up it gradually to adding in weights twice and hill walking three times per week.