Insanity and p90x advice wanted please

archyash86 Posts: 2 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started

Im am 2 weeks away from finishing Insanity, and I am thinking of starting P90x shortly afterwards. But I have doubts and some questions, if you guys would be kind enough to help answer them please.

Firstly let me start with my goals;

I'm 5ft 11" and weighed 13st 4lbs at the beginning of Insanity, I now weigh 12st 10lbs, expecting to be around 12st 8lbs by the end of Insanity. I would like to be around the 12st mark eventually but mainly I want some lean muscle and definition, I want a six pack or at least something that is close!!!

I am not 100% happy with my results from Insanity, I have put in a lot of hard work and although I feel stronger and fitter, I do not look much differant or how I would expect to look with the amount of effort I have put in. However I do know that I have not stuck to the diet plan as you should and this is probaly the reason why I have not lost as much as I could have. I would say I follow the plan around 75% of the time (not the same foods but i count my calories and watch what I eat).

However I was wondering if P90x may be my answer to this, the workout includes weights and cardio so hopefully i would lose the extra weight I need to whilst putting on some lean muscle.

What are peoples exepriences with P90x?
Has anyone else done Insanity followed by P90x? If so, what were their results like?
Or would it be better to just do a weight training programme?

I'm not expecting to be the size of Tony Horton or Shaun T by no means, i just want a defined body with decent muscle mass. Any help would be much appreciated,

Thanks Ashley
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