Why are US meal portions so big??



  • aliciap412
    aliciap412 Posts: 170 Member
    lies! cats don't eat spaghetti. The only acceptable way to prove me wrong is to post a video of your cats eating spaghetti.

    om nom nom

  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    well, luckily you dont live here, so you dont have to worry about it! Gooday mate!:bigsmile:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I bring home the leftovers but if I don't eat it within 2 days it tends to go to waste. I don't mind leftover food but I don't like old food.
    Luckily I have some cats that will hoover up just about anything.
    lies! cats don't eat spaghetti. The only acceptable way to prove me wrong is to post a video of your cats eating spaghetti.

    well I usually don't give them spaghetti.. I tend to eat all that myself... lol
    But if I ever do, I will film it for you.

    They will pretty much eat anything I set on the floor for them.
    canned corn, fried rice, beans, pumpkin pate.. any miscellaneous kind of takeout.whatever. :smile:

    The only thing so far they will NOT eat.. At. all. Is that artificial crab meat you get in the grocery store. They think it's vile and so do I for that matter. lol
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    lies! cats don't eat spaghetti. The only acceptable way to prove me wrong is to post a video of your cats eating spaghetti.

    om nom nom


    LOL... awesome!!!
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I love the smell of thinly veiled America bashing in the morning.
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    lies! cats don't eat spaghetti. The only acceptable way to prove me wrong is to post a video of your cats eating spaghetti.

    om nom nom


    LOL... awesome!!!
    crap. I hope my wife's cat doesn't catch wind of this. I keep telling him he can't eat things because he's a cat. He doesn't believe me, and this video will only convince him he's right.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member

    I love this kitteh. :smile:

    i had 2 identical all black kittehs as a kid. their names? Xerox and Ditto. :happy:

    I had a black kitty as a kid too. She had the most original name "Blackie". lol
    I like the names of yours. :smile:

    Ours was called "Sooty". Unfortunately due to my daughter proudly announcing to relatives her kitten was called "****ty"... That was what stuck :frown:
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    living in Japan for a year then coming back to Aus... wow the portion sizes are so different. We have clearly f***ed up big time in the west. As for America, I have a few friends who have been there and hated the food because it is a battle to get fresh, 'healthy' food when you're out and the waiters hound you for tips (thanks to stuffed up minimum wage system in US).

    Not that I can say Aus has super healthy fresh food either, but we have a lot of reasonably authentic ethnic food, so they use great fresh ingredients there :) I'm still hankering to go back and gauge on seafood in Japan though :'(
    Aaaand the America-bashing continues. I'll be the mature one and keep my inflammatory comments about your country to myself. There are plenty of nice things I can say about other places around the world because not all Americans are the arrogant, lazy, ignorant xenophobes you imagine us to be.

    I want to know where on earth these people are eating. Some places are easier to get more variety than others, but it's not that hard and I have never had any waiter hound me for tips.

    Funny thing is, when I moved to the States, I was impressed by the variety of salads, and salad makings in the buffet's you could get. I am sure where I live has something to do with it, but I find it hard to believe that the rest of the country is that different. Heck, you can get salads at the main fast food places.

    I never said Americans were lazy, arrogant etc... I was actually criticising ALL Western countries, but just pointing out that from my friends' experiences the servings in the US are even /worse/. I find servings in Aus ridiculously huge after living in Asia, I can't believe how much some people can eat! As for salads, I don't know... I find it painful to pay minimum $8 for a salad when I'm out especially when it isn't that nice in the first place. For arguing the food is healthy, I have a friend from Alabama who lived with me in Japan for 12months and poor thing is struggling to find any healthy takeaway out that way. So perhaps it depends on the area and you need to be a true local to find the good stuff, but on the surface similarly to Aus, America doesn't have the right idea on fast foods.

    As for what I said about being 'hounded' for tips, I am criticising the SYSTEM, not the individuals. Your minimum wage there is horrible, workers can't survive WITHOUT the tips, so it's a fault in the system not the people trying to make a living. Minimum wage here is about $20 by comparison.... anyway that is totally off topic, my bad for bringing it up. If you find that offensive I'm sorry, but it's not directed at an individual. There are many points I could go on about for hours in regards to s*** things in my country.

    Aaaaannyyyy cooking at home seems the only answer if you're from an English speaking country
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I love the smell of thinly veiled America bashing in the morning.


    Nothing tempers my inherent American-born superiority complex like some bitter anonymous posts on the internet.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    lies! cats don't eat spaghetti. The only acceptable way to prove me wrong is to post a video of your cats eating spaghetti.

    om nom nom


    LOL... awesome!!!
    crap. I hope my wife's cat doesn't catch wind of this. I keep telling him he can't eat things because he's a cat. He doesn't believe me, and this video will only convince him he's right.

    Well you can always play the health card.. just because a cat will eat most things doesn't mean they SHOULD. They can gain weight eating people food. Cat food is regulated to their dietary needs.
    If mine start gaining weight, I won't do it anymore.
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    bump cause I only go to page 8! :grumble: too tired tonite for the drama. Expect to be more rested tomorrow!! :laugh:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    Ours was called "Sooty". Unfortunately due to my daughter proudly announcing to relatives her kitten was called "****ty"... That was what stuck :frown:

    dang, it's asterisked out, What was it? Sh#tty? Sl#tty? I really want to know. lol
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    lies! cats don't eat spaghetti. The only acceptable way to prove me wrong is to post a video of your cats eating spaghetti.

    om nom nom


    LOL... awesome!!!
    crap. I hope my wife's cat doesn't catch wind of this. I keep telling him he can't eat things because he's a cat. He doesn't believe me, and this video will only convince him he's right.

    Well you can always play the health card.. just because a cat will eat most things doesn't mean they SHOULD. They can gain weight eating people food. Cat food is regulated to their dietary needs.
    If mine start gaining weight, I won't do it anymore.

    Just to be clear, cats can get fat eating too much cat food too.

    (Great...I probably just launched a "CICO/IIFYM for cats" discussion now.)
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I love the smell of thinly veiled America bashing in the morning.


    Nothing tempers my inherent American-born superiority complex like some bitter anonymous posts on the internet.

    I can't hear your big words over the loud sound of me chewing my enormous plate of restaurant food.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    bump cause I only go to page 8! :grumble: too tired tonite for the drama. Expect to be more rested tomorrow!! :laugh:

    ah, you never know, it could totally be deleted by tomorrow. :tongue:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    Just to be clear, cats can get fat eating too much cat food too.

    (Great...I probably just launched a "CICO/IIFYM for cats" discussion now.)

    LOL... yeah but it's less likely than feeding them takeaway leftovers. :smile:
  • aliciap412
    aliciap412 Posts: 170 Member

    Just to be clear, cats can get fat eating too much cat food too.

    (Great...I probably just launched a "CICO/IIFYM for cats" discussion now.)

    well, actually

    a cats stomach doesn't naturally produce much amylase (to break down starches) because their ancestral diet didn't consist of grains nor does their body have a nutritional need for grains and starches

    in other words, cats aren't supposed to eat grain.
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member

    I love this kitteh. :smile:

    i had 2 identical all black kittehs as a kid. their names? Xerox and Ditto. :happy:

    I had a black kitty as a kid too. She had the most original name "Blackie". lol
    I like the names of yours. :smile:

    Ours was called "Sooty". Unfortunately due to my daughter proudly announcing to relatives her kitten was called "****ty"... That was what stuck :frown:

    My very first pet was a beautiful black cat with orange eyes like the one in the picture. I called her "Buffy". She was a lovely cat.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I love the smell of thinly veiled America bashing in the morning.


    Nothing tempers my inherent American-born superiority complex like some bitter anonymous posts on the internet.

    I can't hear your big words over the loud sound of me chewing my enormous plate of restaurant food.

    Only one?
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    Just to be clear, cats can get fat eating too much cat food too.

    (Great...I probably just launched a "CICO/IIFYM for cats" discussion now.)

    well, actually

    a cats stomach doesn't naturally produce much amylase (to break down starches) because their ancestral diet didn't consist of grains nor does their body have a nutritional need for grains and starches

    in other words, cats aren't supposed to eat grain.

    Pretty sure you're right. Yet that doesn't stop them from eating it anyway.