I need help :-(

Hi... My name is Ashley and I am a 26 year old Mommy :-)
I have been stuck at my weight for months now!!! 4 years ago i was actually underweight, i weighed 95 pounds before i became pregnant with my daughter, had a terrible pregnancy was on bed rest and the day i went into labor i weighed 205 lbs!!!!!

Through dieting I went down to 159 and was feeling great and motivated to reach my goal of 130, Then i was diagnosed with endometrosis and went on a Lupron shot... (it is a 6 month shot that puts your body through a temporary menapusal state) Major side effect is weight gain... I went back up to 180 in three months...

The shot is no longer in my system but I cannot seem to drop the weight! for the past three months i have been watching what i eat and havent lost a pound... then two weeks ago i came back on to MFP and joined the gym...

I have been going to the gym everyday except sundays and sometimes twice a week doing mostly cardio... some leg and butt machines to tone.. (legs and butt are what i like most about my body)

Yesterday my knee gave out and i went to the ER and found out i tore my Meniscus in my knee...

Doctor said No gym for now and is talking about surgery...

Main question!!? HOW DO I LOOSE THIS WEIGHT!!!! I am 5'7" and have a very small frame... My stomach is huge... If i am not sucking it in i look very pregnant... also my love handles are ridiculous!!! i am so oddly proportioned!
The weight gain has caused Back pain, knee issues and now some heart issues?

Thanks in advance!!!
Also add me I would love the support and motivation!!


  • xRiverX
    xRiverX Posts: 149 Member
    I would go for Pilates and calisthenics also your diet is very important,get your metabolism to work overtime keep in your cal deficit and eat little and often for now.

    Good luck even tho i know its not luck :wink:

    add me if you need any motivation or support :)
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Well you can still work your upper body and abs at home. I looked at your diary and a couple of things might help. One try increasing your protein, some days are very low. Two, make sure you net at least 1200 calories a day, most days you are under and that can slow your metabolism over time.

    You can still lose weight with no exercise or very little exercise, people do it on here all the time. You really have to focus on a balanced diet. If you search the forums you can probably find a lot of good information here.

    Good luck
  • Amfoxynow
    Amfoxynow Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Ashley, I empathize with your situation. What kind of diet are you doing? People can lose weight successfully by limiting their carbs and increasing the protein in your diet. Get some professional guidance and do your research because you don't want to do anything that is too crazy or anything that will make you feel bad physically. Can you swim? Maybe your doc will allow you to use some sort of supportive brace and will allow you to swim. Check and see. Keep us updated. Good luck!
  • Have you asked your doctor for advice? Could you be hypothyroid, especially after that shot which might have changed how your hormones work?
  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    Don't panic. It took a while to gain the weight and it will take a while to lose it. Focus on your diet. Make sure you get enough to eat, but eat healthy foods.

    I have torn meniscus in both knees. I tried everything, including braces and even a walker! I had a horrible time! I finally got the book "Heal Your Knees" by Robert L. Klapper and Lynda Huey and I did the exercises in there religiously. My knees are great now. I can't do everything I'd like to do, but I can work out as long as I'm careful. I still do those exercises 3 times a week to keep my knees working. I have been lifting weights for nearly a month now, including squats and lunges. I wouldn't get the surgery unless you've tried everything else. It's only effective for some people.

    You can do this! You're young and your body is strong. But you need to focus and take care of it. And be patient. :smile:
  • PatriciaR1958
    PatriciaR1958 Posts: 10 Member
    Chi chi.... Can I assume you've gone over this with your Gynecologist? About the "stomach being huge"? Get all that checked out first, ok? Sounds to me like you are having one very rough time. New mom now, with Endometriosis, and now busted knee. I'm so sorry!
    One person said get your Thyroid checked & that is a great point! Get in to see an Endocrinologist. Always a possibility of Diabetes starting or Low Blood Sugar, too, and the Endocrinologist can check that too. Also, have him / her check for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. All my blood tests, for years, came back "normal" for Thyroid, but it turned out I have Hashimoto's! There's a special test that needs to be done.
    Can your Primary Doc get a good blood test done for you? Get checked for Anemia too, & a really good workup!
    Please - check with Gyn about any other possible issues. And stop beating yourself up. I wish I could give you a hug. But I will keep you in my prayers.
    Be well....
  • Hi! I doubt I'm going to be much help especially concerning your weight loss goals. I hope I can offer an insight into a couple other issues you raised. I have had torn medial meniscus in both knees since I was 9. This is not from an injury; it is degenerative so same problem but you should have a much better outcome! :smile: My biggest mistake was allowing my physical problems to create excuses for not exercising! Your doctor should be able to tell you what you can do and cannot do. You said your stomach is huge and you've had a baby. Pregnancy can cause Diastasis Recti. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong but this could cause abdomins to bulge farther than if the condition doesn't exist. If you google that term you can find vids to shown if you have the muscle seperation. This may not pertain to you; it's just something that popped into my head cause I'm currently recovering from it, lol!
  • Thank you guys for your advice!!! And yes i have had my theriod checked and alot of tests done.. i talk to my gyn regularly because of the endometrosis. but i will def google that one!
  • and thanks for the advice about swimming... but i go to planet fitness because it is what i can afford and they have no pool :-( its only 10 a month. other gyms around me with a pool around $50. but i will def look into it!
  • aliciap412
    aliciap412 Posts: 170 Member
    have you been tested for celiac? if I remember correctly, it is commonly diagnosed in people with endometriosis. I'm no doctor though, and I would assume that your doc would have brought this up?
  • have you been tested for celiac? if I remember correctly, it is commonly diagnosed in people with endometriosis. I'm no doctor though, and I would assume that your doc would have brought this up?

    yes I have been tested. My 3 year old actually has it.
  • aliciap412
    aliciap412 Posts: 170 Member
    have you been tested for celiac? if I remember correctly, it is commonly diagnosed in people with endometriosis. I'm no doctor though, and I would assume that your doc would have brought this up?

    yes I have been tested. My 3 year old actually has it.

    did you test negative for it then? very odd.

    have you ever tried eliminating gluten for 30 days to see how you feel? has your doctor suggested anything else?
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    have you been tested for celiac? if I remember correctly, it is commonly diagnosed in people with endometriosis. I'm no doctor though, and I would assume that your doc would have brought this up?

    yes I have been tested. My 3 year old actually has it.

    if you live in a celiac household, but don't need to be gluten free, try not to eat to many of the gluten free products. They are pretty nutritionally void, and wont help your weight loss.
  • aliciap412
    aliciap412 Posts: 170 Member

    if you live in a celiac household, but don't need to be gluten free, try not to eat to many of the gluten free products. They are pretty nutritionally void, and wont help your weight loss.

    ^ this is very true, gluten free is not a buzz word for healthy. you can still gain weight on a gluten free diet, but if you have an allergy or intolerance (or celiac) you would have less symptoms of it.
  • You can do everything you need to do for now at home and save your money at the gym! Use a seated fitness program - using soup cans or other things around the house for weights. There is plenty you can do without stressing the knees but strengthening the muscle. Stick to your calorie regimen here. Less will make your body store and more...well, that's obvious. Good luck! The main thing is keep the faith, girl! Never ever give up. You don't want to teach that to your kids.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Well 900 calories is definitely not going to help you. Second, a person that is 5'7 is kind of tall for 130 lbs. It's only a few lbs away from being under weight. What you shoudl concentrate is looking to lose fat, not weight. Muscle is more dense, so the more you have, the tighter your body will be (shown below) and the faster your metabolism will be. Even though you have a knee injury, you still have the ability to do some upper body workouts. So start lifting concentrating on the upper body. You can do a bunch of moves on the bench. Also, you need to increase your calories. This is possibly why your body is fighting you. When you starve your body, your body will prevent weight loss by slowing your resting metabolic rate and it will release cortisol (stress hormone) to preserve your body.

    One of the reason you may also think you have a bloated belly is the lack of muscle you have (especially being 97 lbs). If you don't have muscle, then your body will lack definition. This is why it's important to maintain lean body mass during weight loss. Also, when you have more lean body mass, the stronger you will be and less susceptible to injury. Ideally, you want muscle to support your body, not your ligaments.

    So what I recommend, up your calories (probably close to 1700 and adjust macro's to incorporate more protein. I would recommend 40% protein 30% carbs and 30% carbs. Also, even though you don't have celiac, it's possible to have a gluten intolerance, so you could always cut it out at some point if you still struggle to lose weight.

  • the basics are just to make sure you eat a minimum of 1200 calories a day, make smart healthy food choices, and I'm a big advocate of yoga... keep in mind it may not be a change over night but the change will happen... Also, you can do little things like contracting and releasing your abdominal muscles while sitting on the couch watching tv to help it along...
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    FIRST of all you are going to HAVE to wait out your knee. I did the same and it was the most frustrating 4 weeks of my life. BUT I did sneek in a few walks and they HURT and I mean HURT--But I am back at it and my trainer puts me on 10 days of Adkins when I need a boost. Seems to work and is only for a VERY sad 10 days....
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    You can lose weight without doing structured exercise. While things like weight training and cardio are beneficial for building a healthy body and maintaining muscle mass, simply eating at a caloric deficit will help the weight come off regardless of your activity level (assuming there are no health problems preventing weight loss). Is it possible you also have Polycystic Ovaries (PCOS)? Has the gyn ruled this out? Many women with PCOS carry weight around their middle, have trouble with weight gain and struggle to lose. Insulin resistance/pre-diabetes are also conditions which can come along with PCOS and can contribute to difficulty losing.

    If all health issues have been ruled out, research your BMR and TDEE assuming no exercise and find a calorie goal that works for you. If, once you recover from your surgery, you can work in some more exercise, then great!
  • Hi! I doubt I'm going to be much help especially concerning your weight loss goals. I hope I can offer an insight into a couple other issues you raised. I have had torn medial meniscus in both knees since I was 9. This is not from an injury; it is degenerative so same problem but you should have a much better outcome! :smile: My biggest mistake was allowing my physical problems to create excuses for not exercising! Your doctor should be able to tell you what you can do and cannot do. You said your stomach is huge and you've had a baby. Pregnancy can cause Diastasis Recti. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong but this could cause abdomins to bulge farther than if the condition doesn't exist. If you google that term you can find vids to shown if you have the muscle seperation. This may not pertain to you; it's just something that popped into my head cause I'm currently recovering from it, lol!

    I just did the self test and my abb muscles have a huge gap! My Dr. said he is gonna send me for a CTscan.. THANK YOU!!