h c g diet

lizzys Posts: 841 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
has anyone done the hcg diet i"M starting it tomorrow and hope to cut my appetite way down and to lose a lot of weight:smile:


  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    hi i started hcg diet a few weeks ago... doing great and lost several inches so far...along with several pounds...i go to a clinic...i was doing injections but switched to the Tabs that dissolve under tongue today... the clinic i go to does not have me doing a 500 calorie diet...i eat more towards 900-1200 diet with lots of protein involved... i am very very happy with the program and have not noticed any side effects except for the first two days after load days...i had the worst caffeine headache ever because i am not a big tea drinker and do not drink coffee so i had to just get past the first two days and then i felt great... i also noticed an increase in weight if i try to exercise... so i have just been taking a walk everyday and adding minutes slowly... thinking about adding some resistant or small weights to my day to see how that goes slowly though... are you going to a clinic??? i enjoy their protein shakes and love love love their protein bars and their foods they have... :)
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    no, i got the drops under the tongue. it seems like a low carb high protein diet i know when i do dr akins ..........it seem like i drop down to 500 to 700 cals and stop taking in so much fat it a lot like this diet for me .it seems like if you exercised alot it would burn all the cals plus turn the protein in to muscle and it would take care of all this fat:laugh: that has been with me the last five years
  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    My doctor told me not to exercise like I was before the HCG at first to work my way back up due to the Low Calories and the chance of pushing my body into starvation mode...so im taking it slow... Are you following the original protocol??? I wish you all the best...I have 16 more pounds I want to get rid of and I cant wait...alot of people have commented on how great my legs look and how great my skin looks... thats a confidence booster...lol... i notice the flab on my lower belly is going away or im not so bloated..lol...
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    only 16 pounds that great. me i have a 100 yes i belive its the same 2 gorge days 21 to 40 days on 500 cals how much salad can you have. do you know it seems like you would drop really fast on this the lean protein attacks the fat but i do think your body will go in to stravation mode untill you get you use to the portions size which are proble normal if the truth be none it will be tuff at frist
  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    i can have salad with my meal and have up to 2 cups worth if i choose salad to be my vegetable...yes i only have 16 pounds left to lose after losing 51lbs already... it has only taken me about 3 and 1/2 months and i feel great... i cant do the 500 calories i refuse but good luck to you... everyone is different and i chose to go with the updated modified version of the diet...you will see alot of controversy on this but i have watched several friends successfully lose on the modified version and keep it off so that is why I chose that version...good luck :) you can do it a 100 pounds will melt off with hard work...determination and mindset...you just have to be disciplined
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    thank you , the 500 cals wont be that hard i was just doing dr atkins eating all that fat and protein on his 20 carbs, the frist phase of his diet i amit i was doing really good on it lost 5 pound in 3 days before my sister wanted me to try this diet but anyway i was keeping track of what i ate so i could keep my carbs at 20 it shocked me that i was only eating 750 cals a day and i was having a big o steak even at 500 cals i am a getting better nurtritional diet than i did on dr atkins or a 1200 to 1500 cal diet on my own i went ahead of my self and put in what i would eat for the day on the 500 cal diet and as far as healthy it far better than what i have been eating it not the 500 cals that scares me it is :blushing: that i have been such a glutton for the last five years that its going to be so hard to say noooooooooooooooooooooooo and make this body suffer:laugh:
  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    keep me updated i cant wait to see you after a few weeks of loss!!!
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