Random acts of kindness! (RAK)

lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
Make the world a better place. I've seen several news stories lately about people paying for the person behind them in the drive through, paying for a lady's checked bag when her card was declined etc.. Today, I decided that it was my turn, and I left the house planning to find a few ways to make someone's day, if possible with a nice/funny note stating that it was an RAK and asking the person to pass it on. Im sharing this, not for kudos, but in the hopes that some of you might be inspired as well! Here is what I did with ~$40:

The food bank happened to be outside the grocery store asking for donations. I bought 3 boxes of cereal, 5 cans of spaghetti sauce, and a big pack of toilet paper: ~$16

I put $5 and a "it's not all bad even if it is that time of month" note on a pack of tampons in Walgreens. (I REALLY wish I could see the persons face who gets this one)

I put $2 and a "movie is on me" note on a redbox.

I put $1 and a note in the ice cream freezer of the dollar store.

I covered the ~$2 that the guy buying toys for his kids in front of me was short.

I bought a $10 roll of quarters and put it along with a note in the change machine at the laundromat.

I complimented one lady on her fantastic dress, and another on her amazing patience with a difficult customer.

I am blessed and honored to have the resources to spread the love, a few smiles, and help someone in need. Remember, it doesn't have to involve money. A sincere smile, thank you, or compliment can mean the world to someone. Cheers!


  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    No one has done or received a random act of kindness?
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    I lost my purse on a bus ride a few years back. An older gent behind me had handed it into the driver & I got it back contents intact.

    A couple of weeks after that a man had asked if it was my purse next to my feet at a bus stop. It wasn't, but after ascertaining that it didn't belong to anyone stood there I checked the inside for information. Missed my bus & had to wait an hour for the next one as I walked up to the woman's bank to hand it in.

    *The staff were locking the bank up & after explaining/yelling the situation through the door. They unlocked it 2" so I could slide the purse through the crack. I was not wearing a balaclava nor was I sporting a shot gun* :bigsmile:
  • alliemarie77
    alliemarie77 Posts: 378 Member
    I have done a few things.

    I help families that look like they are struggling to buy enough fireworks for their babies.

    I have told someone who looked like she was having a bad day that I really loved her dress.

    I help people who look lost in the grocery stores to find what they are looking for.

    I help people on the motorized scooters in the grocery store reach items so they don't need to get up.

    I have given strangers my change in the checkout line, and walked away.

    I have given someone my bottled water because they looked hot and tired.

    There are more things, but this list would get pretty long.
  • Pinkee33
    Pinkee33 Posts: 769 Member
    Love this... more people should definitely participate.... Things that stand in my mind:

    - Complimented my son's new cardiologist on her bedside manner and overall friendly personality this week.:smile:

    - A coworker of mine, a few months back, told us a story one day about a toy she wanted for Xmas, as a child, and had never gotten... she really didn't seem over it! To my surprise, I found said item [yes I was searching]... packaged it up and presented it to her.... OMG! She actually cried. I told her, "now when you tell that story, it will have a happy ending." She, in turn, decided to pay it forward...:bigsmile:

    -Refusing payment for taking my child's friend back and forth to school with us.

    Love the ideas you posted .... they are awesome! You don't realize how little it takes to make a huge difference in someones day...:flowerforyou:
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    If I see a homeless person outside of an eating place I am going , I will usually ask the if they like whatever they serve there ( green chili cheeseburgers most recently) and get them one while I am ordering. I will sometimes buy a $10 IHOP gift card when I go and give it to a homeless person there drinking coffee. My husband and I set aside part of our dinner after eating out and drive by a homeless hang out and give it to someone. I will buy jackets from thrift stores out of season dirt cheap, wash them, and drive around with them in winter and hand them out as needed. I keep a box of granola bars and some gatorade in my trunk partially because I get paranoid about being covered in an avalanche (even though I live in the desert) and starving to death but also because I can hand it out if the opportunity comes along.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Last summer we stopped for gas at the station in our little town. It was a very hot summer afternoon and as we pulled in I noticed our car was smoking. I mentioned it to my husband and when he got out to check he realized our car was on fire! I ran inside to find a fire extinguisher** while he put the car in neutral and rolled it away from the pump. The fire department came and put it out, no one was hurt and the station didn't sustain any damage.

    We had several people offer to give us a ride home, including the fire chief and a whole bunch of random strangers. Even though it was a very crappy event we were pretty blessed by the niceness of people in our town. While we were waiting for the tow truck to come drag us and our charred vehicle home, the lady who worked inside the gas station came out with a couple of bottles of ice cold water that she'd bought with her own money. She told us how sorry she was about our car and said we looked hot sitting out there in the sun so here is some water. :)

    **Just FYI, most gas stations have the fire extinguishers somewhere on the gas pumps outside. In this case, they were on the end on a couple of the pumps but the gas station attendant had no idea where they were! I've also decided just to carry an extinguisher in my car so there is not guess work. :)
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    These are nice! Check out this site for more stories: