determining calories in juices

hey MFP world- how do you determine the calories in a juice? if i use the recipe calculator on here, i think it assumes i'm eating the whole thing. maybe that's ok, but i just wanted to check if there is another way to do it. specifically, i'm making 'green juices' with kale, mint, ginger, an apple, and a cucumber... thanks for any info!


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    you need a lab :-)

    About 40-50% of the mass of the stuff you juice might fly out the back of the machine as pulp, the juice will contain most of the nutrition but I wouldn't like to put numbers to the split without some evidence.
  • eylia
    eylia Posts: 200 Member
    I've come across this in the past, the numbers don't seem too off in my opinion?

    Also, it would depend on the type of juicer you use. A slow press/cold press juicer will give different nutritional results to a regular one.