Girls who don't sweat? How?



  • julien999
    julien999 Posts: 41 Member
    There was just a story on the CBC about this! well not just about women but people getting in shape and perspiration levels.
    They are saying that a person who is out of shape and working out at 100% of their capacity will sweat the exact same amount as someone who is in shape and working to their 100% capacity this is the easy part though. However when the unfit person works out at say 50% of their efficiency that could be equal to the fit persons 25% efficiency. So the sweating doesn't necessarily correlate to the activity but how hard the person is actually working within their ratios.
    So while you are working your *kitten* off sweating like a pig you are putting in lets say 80% of your efficiency, now that girl across the gym who is doing double your exercises and not sweating is really only putting in a 40% effort. So really us chubby folk who are at the gyms getting less respect are really the hard *kitten* who are putting in the real hard effort.

    Be Proud of your Sweat!
  • SmileCozYouCan
    SmileCozYouCan Posts: 315 Member
    :laugh: at the above comment
  • catsandbooks
    catsandbooks Posts: 5 Member
    I'm not a sweaty person. At most I get a little sheen, but never drippy sweaty. But I over-heat really fast and have had heat exhaustion three times. Dr says nothing is wrong with me physically, has checked everything, it's just the way I am.

    I'm the same way. It has to be over 90 degrees and have me working out hard before I even have a trickle of sweat. And I over-heat very easily. I agree with those who say it is genetics.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    why in the world are there so many threads about sweat volume this week????

  • Tessyloowhoo
    Yup i sweat like a mofo and since i am high-protein/lowcarb it stinks of ammonia. I legit smell like tilex or scrubbin bubbles. NOT CUTE.
  • ronrstaats
    ronrstaats Posts: 294 Member
    Yup i sweat like a mofo and since i am high-protein/lowcarb it stinks of ammonia. I legit smell like tilex or scrubbin bubbles. NOT CUTE.

    Same diet here but I don't notice an Ammonia smell...

    my problem is I sweat like a mofo from my forehead so I am constantly swapping out towels while working out. I don't sweat at all under my arms...
  • MizMimi111
    MizMimi111 Posts: 244 Member
    I sweat but not a lot. My face however goes bright red at even the slightest exertion. Always has, even when I was young, fit and not overweight. Of course now that I'm fat people are all concerned when they see my bright red face. They must think I'm about to collapse! :tongue:

    I'd rather sweat more and get less red.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Tell me something... When you see the classic sexy workout woman shot.. Is she dry or do they have her all glistening and covered with what looks like sweat?

    Yeah typically they oil her up or spray water on her so that it beads..


    Cuz sweat is sexy.

    Own it. I do. :-D
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I only sweat when it's humid outside. Otherwise I get misty, that's about it. Was never a sweat-er.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Lower than average basal body temperature ... I'm about 97.1-97.6 (have always been this way) ... I don't sweat very much (I have to be working REALLY hard, pretty high intensity, like 22 + mph/spinning on the stationary bike) ... I can run outside in the midday summer sun and not get overheated ... Sucks during the winter, though ...
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I used to be bothered by how much I sweat, now I just let it flow! I can't stop it so why worry about it.
  • emAZn
    emAZn Posts: 413 Member
    If you sweat as much as I do lets be friends....

    I wear an 80s sweat band if I'm doing any form of cardio... best invention ever...

    I feel bad for my drivers seat of my car and feel like I need to steam clean it...

    BACNE - Back-Acne - ... effing sucks...

    I weigh 2-3 lbs less when I'm done with my long runs ... holla!!
  • ashkinlaw
    ashkinlaw Posts: 77 Member
    If you sweat as much as I do lets be friends....

    I wear an 80s sweat band if I'm doing any form of cardio... best invention ever...

    I feel bad for my drivers seat of my car and feel like I need to steam clean it...

    BACNE - Back-Acne - ... effing sucks...

    I weigh 2-3 lbs less when I'm done with my long runs ... holla!!

    Let's be friends, sexyyyy!
  • emAZn
    emAZn Posts: 413 Member
    Ha ha my bf was just asked what I was doing and I said I'm writing a post about much I sweat and he said yeah you sweat a lot
  • ithina
    Every time I move I sweat, even if it's just leisurely walking around the mall. Everyone's like, "are you ok?" I'm fine.. it's just me. When I work out I sweat a lot. I've actually started putting a towel on my car seat when I drive home from the gym. I have to take a shower after I stop sweating too or I'll get bad acne everywhere.
  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    It seems like I only sweat from a few places, like my lower back. I get really self concious about it because hey...butt sweat. My boyfriend says it's because I'm not working hard enough! I just don't sweat from every pore like other people do.
  • missanguissette
    I don't sweat much either and I wish I did in order to cool down. i can sweat if I am working out at a hard pace for almost an hour [in a hot room...if the air is on i'm screwed] but anything else and I'm not sweating. kind of frustrating.
  • JumpinJill
    JumpinJill Posts: 63 Member
    I don't understand it when I look around at the gym or at yoga and see girls who are working hard and NOT sweating. It's just not fair! I start sweating buckets like, within the first five minutes of working out. I feel like people must look at me and think it's gross! Girls who don't sweat, how is this possible? Is it relative to fitness?

    It's certain dry. Get a bottle and rub it on. Make sure you get your forehead and around your neck.....

    No seriously, I sweat a lot! I like it. It makes me feel like I am getting in a good workout and when it starts pouring down my face I just push myself harder. It's my motivator. To go with the above, my armpits are the only place I don't sweat, love that certain dry, no gym stink after a workout and no white residue on my black shirts and bras.
  • mrsPaananen72
    mrsPaananen72 Posts: 13 Member
    I´m hypothyroid. When my meds weren´t in right level, I didn´t sweat. But now when they are perfect, I do - and a lot. So glad I have a crosstrainer at home so I don´t need to go to gym for it.
  • lonnieart
    lonnieart Posts: 24 Member
    I get a filmy sweat mostly. The only places I really get sweaty are places I'd really prefer not to (ex: underarms).

    I'm afraid it'll look like I'm a wimp because I AM working, but I'm sooo out of shape, and without buckets of sweat, getting off the treadmill before everyone else just looks like I'm pathetic and not even working.

    Don't get me wrong though, I like that I don't do the rolling drenched with sweat thing. I've never lived in a place that wasn't incredibly humid. And I grew up in (and am about to move back to) Texas. Not west Texas (dry desert). Hot, humid, I-can't-even-breathe Texas. So yeah, I'm happy about that. It's possible that beyond the genetics factor, if you live in a humid area, it can be your body realizing that releasing more sweat actually makes things worse, so it eases off (the same way that washing your hair too often makes your scalp produce more oil.. but in reverse? heh). Of course, that's just an idea, I don't even know.