Feeling depressed.. Anyone else get to this stage?

Two years ago I was 135kg (297lb). Now I am sitting on 87kg (192lb). Height of 162cm (5'3).
I'm 25, and had two cesareans, and I've always been big, so now I'm left with a massive overhang which just won't go away no matter how much weight I lose. My goal is 59kg (130lb), and I'm saving up for a tummy tuck as I enjoy running, and with such a massive apron of skin around my midsection, clothing doesn't ever fit properly and it makes running more difficult.

Does anyone else go through massive depressed stages with their body? My school pants for example (nursing student) I have in an 18 and a 16, and the 18s are too big, and massively too big in the legs, and the 16s fit the legs perfectly but the waistband is slightly too tight due to my stomach. It's just depressing. I'm young and I hate nothing fitting correctly no matter what I try on.

Please tell me I'm not alone?


    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    You are not alone. I also go through depression state especially over body image. I recently lost 65 pounds but still feel like I have all the weight. I have had 2 c-sections and hate my belly. My clothes fit good in the legs but not so much around my tummy. I want it to go away but I don't see that happening.
    You should be very proud on your accomplishments. Losing the weight is a struggle especially with school and raising a family. I don't have advice for you on your midsection, but keep working on your goals. You are almost there! :)