The scale has not moved in 3 weeks!!

Becoming a bit disheartened...hitting the wall with the weight loss. Any help or advice welcome.

I have lost almost 11 kg since starting this, MFP has me on 1370 calories a day now. I am 53 years old, 6'1 in and weigh 97.3 kg. Eating below my daily calorie intake most days. Work out 3 times a week at the gym and hillwalking / climb Munros usually on Sundays. At the gym I do lots of cardio,usually between 7 - 10 k on the treadmill. I try to eat around half the calories back on my gym days. Any ideas....should I be eating more?


  • jollyjoe321
    jollyjoe321 Posts: 529 Member
    Try to see your intake as a target rather than a limit =)

    Often loss does just stop, happened to me twice, I just kept doing what I was doing, and eventually the loss started again ;)
  • princesswarrior1116
    Hey There! This happened to me too, only it lasted for 2 MONTHS! When you are working out and eating too little (which I believe you are doing) your body kind of rebels. I think a man probably should NEVER eat less than 1800 cals per day. When I had stalled, I looked at the information about TDEE and realized I was burning massive amounts of calories on hard workouts and eating around 1200 calories a day, so I was starving myself. I increased my calories to a minimum of 1500 per day and now eat a signifigant portion of my exercise calories back and I am happily losing weight again.

    Don't starve yourself. It doesn't work.
  • malckyb
    Thanks for the advice guys..much appreciated!! :-) Yeah, I think you are right Diana..I probably should up my calories a bit..its weird though,you feel reluctant to do it..!!...glad it worked for you...will try it..Did you increase your calories only on your workout days or every day?
  • knitgirltiah
    Overeat once in a while. Do new cardio you've never done before like an outdoor sport or something. Watch you salt and fake sweetners. Just a plateau. Confuse your body that is accustomed to your routine then be patient. I always lose weight when I feel the guiltiest for overeating or after a total rest day.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear and sometimes the body works to adjust to the deficit. If you're shooting for more than a pound a week, then expectations may be too high.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition