

Would just like opinions on oatmeal- I typically eat Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal- a serving consists of 1/2 cup uncooked, but I usually make a whole cup and will eat it with a banana. I also have Whey protein mixed with water. The whole meal comes out to about 510 calories.

I am trying to maintain 1800 calories a day and need to lose a bit more body fat.

Will a breakfast like this be counterproductive or is it OK?

Thanks in advance!


  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    I don't see a problem with this if it fits into your calorie goals. If not, cut back the quantity. I sometimes eat a half cup of dry oatmeal mixed with "craisins" and sometimes other adds as a snack (end "product" is something like muesli) - depending on how many calories and what macros I need at the end of the day.
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    As I'm sitting here with my bowl of oatmeal right now. lol. There is NO better food out there for any diet than oatmeal. Bar none. It is, to me, almost the most perfect food in the world. I have it almost every day. I have quick rolled oats. I try never to use overly processed (like the instant oatmeal) unless absolutely necessary. I add a bit of brown sugar and a serving of protein powder. Now because I'm trying to add calories, I'm throwing in a tablespoon of MCT oil as well. I'm at about 400 calories total.

    There is a reason why oatmeal has been a staple of bodybuilders for generations -- because it works at keeping the body lean. It is a slow burning carb, providing lots of energy for low calories that last a good long time. You can add almost anything you want to it -- berries, fruits, protein powders. Probably even meats (although I can't imagine). It is also great for heart health as well. I just don't think you could design a better food if you could build one in a lab.

    Oatmeal, especially in the morning, is to me, the absolutely perfect thing for a diet. Keep on it. You are on the right track.
  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member

    Would just like opinions on oatmeal- I typically eat Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal- a serving consists of 1/2 cup uncooked, but I usually make a whole cup and will eat it with a banana. I also have Whey protein mixed with water. The whole meal comes out to about 510 calories.

    I am trying to maintain 1800 calories a day and need to lose a bit more body fat.

    Will a breakfast like this be counterproductive or is it OK?

    Thanks in advance!
    Oatmeal is great. It's the only food in this world where I can feel full off of 200 calories (I make it with 2/3 cup of 1 or 2% milk instead of water) and remain feeling that way until lunch. It's also full of nutrition.
  • lonnieart
    lonnieart Posts: 24 Member
    That still leaves, what, 1200-1300 Calories for the rest of the day? As long as you portion it out well, I can't see it being a problem. Kickstarting your day with a large breakfast isn't a bad thing; it gets your metabolism going. I mean, I had a 450 Calorie breakfast of oatmeal, seeds, honey, and a glass of milk the other day, and it actually kept me pretty full for a few hours and didn't mess with my day. I also get the oatmeal enriched with, like 40% of your daily iron, so that makes it even better for me. Oatmeal is filling and tasty and great (if you make it right, ha).

    At least you don't eat 900 Calories for breakfast like I did a few days ago, lol. I really don't see any problem with your breakfast plan (personally).
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    I believe it's okay...I eat the same Oatmeal every morning (200 calories) along with fruit and/or almonds. :smile:
  • Sithian
    Sithian Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the replies. Just wanted some opinions, as I am basically doubling up the portion and eating with a banana, which is all very high carb. I could be eating much worse I suppose :)

    I am struggling with the whole macros thing, as some schools of thought go for protein, others not so much. My goal is to be at deficit, and to round out with some cardio (Insanity or running) on a daily basis.
  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member
    Kickstarting your day with a large breakfast isn't a bad thing; it gets your metabolism going.
    Yea, no.

    Eating prior to strenuous physical activity allows you to perform better, which allows you to use more energy, get in better shape, get stronger, etc. But eating a large breakfast doesn't cause your body to start using more energy at rest.
  • missanguissette
    I love oatmeal, especially steel cut oats, but I find I am so hungry too soon after eating them. :( Anyone else have that issue? If I didn't have that problem I would live off oatmeal everyday for breakfast...I do love it.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    I love oatmeal! It is so easy to mix with almost anything else!
    Craving peanut butter? Add a small scoop.
    Craving sweets? Add honey and vanilla extract.
    Mixes great with fruit, dried or fresh, and any kind of nuts.

    My current favorite thing to mix in oatmeal is canned pumpkin and cinnamon.
    Pumpkin pie! :D
  • walleymama
    walleymama Posts: 174 Member
    Rediscovering the joys of oatmeal has been one of the best unforeseen bonuses of doing this MFP plan. I love porridge of any kind, and with it's low calorie count oatmeal is a guilt-free indulgence.

    I eat 1/2 cup dried and by the time it is cooked it's a substantial meal. I enjoy mine with a tbsp of Holy Crap cereal, which adds a lovely crunch and a hint of sweetness (dried apples, cranberries, and raisins) and 1 tbsp of brown sugar. I don't need much milk if I cook it with a bit of extra water.

    Keeps me full for ages and is less than 300 calories all told. What's not to love? :-)
  • tamadrummer001
    tamadrummer001 Posts: 71 Member
    I too love oatmeal, if you want a real treat. Go buy a bucket of steel cut oats and cook them. Yes they take a while to make but OMG they are so good! I mix stevia and dried cranberries and raisins with some almonds and a 1/2 tsp of coconut oil.

    I cannot eat it right now because I am cutting in a ketosis style but in 6 more weeks or so I will be putting daily oatmeal back into my diet
  • lonnieart
    lonnieart Posts: 24 Member
    In the morning, you're starting your day, moving, etc. If the plan is to just nap after, sure, maybe it's not the best. It's certainly better than eating a large meal in the evening, because rest is soon to follow. And it's better than not eating breakfast, but I will admit that it MAY not be as good as eating 6 smaller meals eaten at regular intervals throughout the day.
  • JustYandy
    JustYandy Posts: 221 Member
    You should only drink protein immediately after a workout if you want it to be effective
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    I am a huge oatmeal fan but I only eat maybe 120-150 worth for breakfast. So to me that seems like a lot of calories but it really doesn't matter when you eat what amount as long as you stay within your limit for the day. I always eat carbs for breakfast and not that many calories. I tend to get hungrier later in the day so if I eat a huge breakfast then I can't make goal easily.

    Unless my doctor tells me I have to do a ketogenic diet, there is just no way I could do it.
  • jeansuza
    jeansuza Posts: 148 Member
    I rediscovered oatmeal myself and these days I crave for it! I used to do it with milk only, but then I tried half-and-half with water and milk and it is even better! Rich enough but less goey and less calories... 163 cal. for 1/3 cup dry oat with 1/3 cup milk, 1/3 water and pinch of salt! It fills me well. I often add half a banana, a small apple or a peach (the best!). ????
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    You should only drink protein immediately after a workout if you want it to be effective

    Ummm why would that be?
  • Kestrel45
    I love oatmeal so much. Like others have said, as long as it fits into your calorie limit, go for it. I have started eating one kind of oatmeal that I love, its apple pie flavoured and its 200 calories. I microwave it with water and add a quarter cup of milk and its the most delish breakfast ever!
  • lonnieart
    lonnieart Posts: 24 Member
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    I have oatmeal most mornings. I keep it to the 1/2 cup because I have a desk job, once I eat it, I sitting for about two hours. I have it with raw sugar and blueberries, or blackberries. Also, cinnamon with brown sugar. Other comments here have a point, if you are active after eating, the higher calories for breakfast are fine, but if not, keep it low.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    LOVE oatmeal, I eat it alot. I cut back on my oatmeal so I can get more variety in there to hit my macros. For example:

    1/2 cup oats
    2 tbs ground flax or chia seeds
    1 tbs peanut butter
    1 scoop chocolate protein powder
    100g berries
    100g banana

    Between 550-600 cals and very filling.