Will I Ever Be An Athlete?

I would love to be a runner. I envy those who run miles without having to stop. I've never been able to run a mile. Even at a normal weight as a child, I would start off running the first however-many meters, then have to walk the rest. My best time was never under 10 minutes.

The main problem is, I've always suffered from orthopedic problems. Feet, ankles, knees. I have a very weak right ankle. Not sure what you call the condition, but i walk on the inside of my foot/ankle. My footprints literally look like 2 left feet.

Yesterday I did an Alzheimer's awareness walk, and the track we walked was a mile around. Plus I usually average at least a mile of walking in general with my step counter. Well, I'm still in pain from that, and can't walk more than 2.5/3 mph without being in immediate, excruciating pain. Then I also have pain in my right knee which is more tolerable than the ankle. It also caused pain in my left calf muscles, but maybe that's just because I'm not used to the exercise like that? i don't know.

This girl I work with, who is totally ignorant to my issues, suggested ankle weights and just slowly building up my stamina.
I want to be a runner. I want to be able to run like my "normal" 20-something peers. I don't have insurance to see a doctor. Are there other options? Is my goal attainable?

The pain from the walk, and being passed by EVERYONE at the walk other than senior citizens, really put me in a funk yesterday.

Not to mention I've lost my motivation to go to the gym and have felt so lethargic recently. I've maintained my 10 lbs of weight loss, but I don't know how to kick myself back into gear, and know my true abilities.


  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Have you considered swimming?
  • _Z3sty_
    _Z3sty_ Posts: 120
    Have you tried glucosamine and see if it helps with the pain? As for being an Athlete it depends on how bad you really want it and how far you will go to make it happen...
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    OP - this is something that you have to decide for yourself. It is possible that you are just physically not capable of running, and that something like swimming (as wheird suggested) may be a better choice. Then again, sticking to it and seeing if you can is worthwhile. I'm an asthmatic and getting fat in my 30s didn't help, but getting fat was also the motivation I needed to finally be able to get it under control, and I started running and lifting. Learning to run as an adult was liberating and I ran around 30 miles a week for several years. I'm now suffering under a year-old knee injury that continues to hold me back, but I enjoy the running the distances that I can. If you want it, then just keep at it.
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    You could try getting an ankle support for your weak ankle. You might have to tape it to be able to run.

    Like others said you just might just have physical limitations and unable to be a runner. I have a back issue and if I try to run it just starts seizing up and I suffer for at least a week. My knees also seem to develop issues if I try to run. So I just do other things. As others mentioned swimming is incredible exercise. When I am at the pool with my son I envy the adults there swimming length after length after length. But I am too self conscious of my swimming ability to do that.

    You can become an athlete, it just takes finding the sport that is "yours"
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member
    I think you just had a bad reaction to a long walk that your ankles aren't used to.

    I pronate too. I have to wear shoes for this and I need to change my running shoes regularly to stay healthy. You may need orthotics but I know that they can be expensive if you don't have insurance. Sure you can be an athlete! I used to bike for miles, covering great distances made me feel pretty athletic. There are lots of other choices like boxing, swimming, etc.

    Don't follow your friends advice and wear ankle weights ( but you already know that). I also have weak skinny ankles and this used to be a problem for me ( but hasn't now for many many years). I fixed the problem by strengthening them with simple body weight squats with one leg and not even a full squat. I also need to spend less time bare foot when it hurts. I think the reason my ankles are stronger now is because I do squat and run and stretch regularly. If you really want to walk and run, start slowly. Try aqua walking / running, strengthen those ankles and make sure you have footwear that gives you correct alignment. Oh, an even better suggestion and alternative to feeling like an athlete might be to LIFT!!! Lifting weights feels amazing and it's fun to progress. Yoga is another fantastic exercise and you can find yoga workouts on you tube.
    Stick around here for more ideas.
    Swimming is an awesome exercise, like the previous poster mentioned. If you can't decide, think of all the cross training opportunities you have here. Good luck!
    Congratulations on your ten pounds of weight loss!!:)
  • Mocking0jay
    Mocking0jay Posts: 24 Member
    I think you just had a bad reaction to a long walk that your ankles aren't used to.

    I pronate too. I have to wear shoes for this and I need to change my running shoes regularly to stay healthy. You may need orthotics but I know that they can be expensive if you don't have insurance. Sure you can be an athlete! I used to bike for miles, covering great distances made me feel pretty athletic. There are lots of other choices like boxing, swimming, etc.

    Don't follow your friends advice and wear ankle weights ( but you already know that). I also have weak skinny ankles and this used to be a problem for me ( but hasn't now for many many years). I fixed the problem by strengthening them with simple body weight squats with one leg and not even a full squat. I also need to spend less time bare foot when it hurts. I think the reason my ankles are stronger now is because I do squat and run and stretch regularly. If you really want to walk and run, start slowly. Try aqua walking / running, strengthen those ankles and make sure you have footwear that gives you correct alignment. Oh, an even better suggestion and alternative to feeling like an athlete might be to LIFT!!! Lifting weights feels amazing and it's fun to progress. Yoga is another fantastic exercise and you can find yoga workouts on you tube.
    Stick around here for more ideas.
    Swimming is an awesome exercise, like the previous poster mentioned. If you can't decide, think of all the cross training opportunities you have here. Good luck!
    Congratulations on your ten pounds of weight loss!!:)

    thanks for that! i really want to be a runner though, i don't want to be a swimmer. =/

    and i freaking love your icon! i love breaking bad. lol
  • lua_
    lua_ Posts: 258 Member
    New runner here!

    Have you considered trying the C25K program? I couldn't run for longer than a minute before I started, now my longest run is 1hr and I consider 30-35 minutes an average run!
    It's great that you have so much determination, but take it slowly and invest in a tailored pair of running shoes. That's the best advice I can give you, especially if you have orthopaedic problems. Good luck :D
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member
    I think you just had a bad reaction to a long walk that your ankles aren't used to.

    I pronate too. I have to wear shoes for this and I need to change my running shoes regularly to stay healthy. You may need orthotics but I know that they can be expensive if you don't have insurance. Sure you can be an athlete! I used to bike for miles, covering great distances made me feel pretty athletic. There are lots of other choices like boxing, swimming, etc.

    Don't follow your friends advice and wear ankle weights ( but you already know that). I also have weak skinny ankles and this used to be a problem for me ( but hasn't now for many many years). I fixed the problem by strengthening them with simple body weight squats with one leg and not even a full squat. I also need to spend less time bare foot when it hurts. I think the reason my ankles are stronger now is because I do squat and run and stretch regularly. If you really want to walk and run, start slowly. Try aqua walking / running, strengthen those ankles and make sure you have footwear that gives you correct alignment. Oh, an even better suggestion and alternative to feeling like an athlete might be to LIFT!!! Lifting weights feels amazing and it's fun to progress. Yoga is another fantastic exercise and you can find yoga workouts on you tube.
    Stick around here for more ideas.
    Swimming is an awesome exercise, like the previous poster mentioned. If you can't decide, think of all the cross training opportunities you have here. Good luck!
    Congratulations on your ten pounds of weight loss!!:)

    thanks for that! i really want to be a runner though, i don't want to be a swimmer. =/

    and i freaking love your icon! i love breaking bad. lol

    I love the hunger games:)
  • Worthdyin4
    Lua.....what's the c25k program?????
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member
    The c25k program is an app you can get for your phone. Many people have been successful using it, it starts off very slow and easy. I also have the 5 to 10k version.
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 232 Member
    Have you tried looking online for exercises to strengthen your ankle? Maybe trying to google it and see what comes up?
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I think, if you're having severe ankle pain, you should start scraping together money to go to the doctor. That's probably just going to get worse, and if it's bad enough, will hinder your life greatly in the future.
  • catfive1
    catfive1 Posts: 529 Member
    I tried to be a runner doing Couch to 5k. An old foot injury kept getting in the way. I'm now doing Stonglifts 5x5 and loving it. Sometimes you just have to change your goals.