TIme to get healthy!


My name is Mandy and I am determined to lose some weight! I have been overweight my entire life and very obesse since High School. I stepped on the scale about three weeks ago and saw that I was 319 pounds and decided it was time to make a change. Since then I have joined a healthclub, started working out 4-5 times a week and eating better. I have since lost about 5 pounds! I know its not much but it is a start!

I am hoping to make some friends who could help me on my weight lose journey. Its hard because sometimes I dont feel like I have the support I need around me. My family just doesnt get it.

I have found that I enjoy working out. Its so funny because in highschool I would avoid PE at any cost,now I am basicly paying to go to PE.

I just want to say hi and its nice to meet you all!