lose vs. loose



  • rsalty
    rsalty Posts: 68 Member
    Glucaagon and leptin will help loose fat, so it is easier to burn and thereby lose the fat. Does that clear up why people might be using both words?

    Sometimes it is easiest to take language at face value. Other times it is most entertaining to take language at face value. It is rarely helpful, however, to try to take language on a long drive in hopes of improving its constitution.

    Sure, the operations of glucagon and leptin most definitely the source of the confusion.

    I know "loose" is a verb, but never in the context of loosing weight. Loose the reins, sure. Wouldn't the average person use "loosen" in your scenario. anyway?

    Due to the rarity of average people, I have no idea what the average person would say. Due to the nature of averages, maybe something like "Dias 好, Bro!" But... I am pretty certain that is is more accurate to say that the fatty acids are loosed than that they are loosened - it is less giving them more rein and more eliminating containment. Loosening would be more like the results of warming them up.

    OP: since this is apparently a thread to vent language pet peeves for English usage, I will simply report that the written language is newer, and expected to reflect the spoken. Thus: an "a" or "an" should be used according to the following *sound*, not the following *letter*!!!!! Many other errors are excusable, but the a/an distinction is one that was created to tell where words begin and end, which is hard enough already let's not make it any harder! All other spelling questions may be referred to the joint expertise of Chaucer and Shakespeare.

    Best language for word jokes ever, second best for puns. Enjoy our English.

    (Posted in a sleepless night. For entertainment uses only.)
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    your waisting all there time wit this threds
  • Ovrsees
    So Glad your Perfect!
  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member