Because we all need someone to encourage us...

I have been on and off diets since I was 25 years old. I went thru a bad emotional time (I am a confessed emotional eater) and gained 100 pounds in 3 years, I have spent some time working on the issues that drove my weight up and now I am looking on a way to drive that weight down. I have been on South Beach diet and plateaued. I actually gained weight with weight watchers (No Jennifer Hudson, it was was not muscle... my pants got tighter) so I am thinking I need to find the right number of calories and food combinations and go with that. More importantly I have added exercise which I LOATHE. If there are any Leslie Sansone Walkers in here, I would love to hear from you!!! My friend gave me a video and she has lost 30 pounds using it, so i'm going to try it. I just need to be accountable for all my choices good and bad...
