I hate myself



  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    I agree with everyone.. i used this site last year before I got pregnant again and I lost over 20 lbs in 3 months... in that time I slipped up quite a few times!! Sometimes I felt the same way you did, but then I would just tell myself "tomorrow is another day" and I got back on track.. Having a bad day once in awhile will NOT affect you negatively as long as most of your days are good. :)
  • asmylie80
    asmylie80 Posts: 60 Member
    Forgive yourself. Write down how crappy you feel and why then write that you are sorry. Keep your note in view for next time you need a reminder. Don't hate yourself, you didn't murder anyone! Pizza is defiantly forgivable! Tommorow is another day! You start at 0 again!
  • This is like the first forum I've come across where the majority of the people are nice & encouraging. So glad I joined :) thanks again everyone
  • I fell,odd the wagon today too. I bought a box of oatmeal cookies and was going to have just 2 and keep them in the car, but I ate all 6 by the time I for home. One box, one serving! Going to do double cardio tomorrow. 500 calories over my quota. Bet the pizza was food. Let's start again fresh tomorrow. Thanks for venting.