Cheat Day



  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    Nope. Everything I eat is within cals apart from one day in the 70 days Ive been on this, where I ate a Sunday dinner at my sisters and went up to 2000.

    This month I have been really into chips and chocolate. I have been eating them constantly, within cals, and losing. To make up for it I've been walking more.

    My only " cheat " is when I don't eat breakfast or lunch and have a HUGE dinner because I know I cant resist a huge portion of my homemade stew or lasagne. But I always log correctly and again, stay within calories.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I don't do that. I try never to go over my calories or much over/under where I ought to be on fat, sugar, and the like.

    However, I "allow" what others would call bad foods at least a few times per week. It's no big deal for me to have frozen custard on Sunday afternoon along with meals of eggs, loads of veggies, salmon, and quinoa that day.

    I look at every day like that, although of course I'm not going to include a Snickers bar in every day, either.
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    I don't have "cheat days"

    I do, however, eat foods you wouldn't generally consider healthy, I just make sure they fit into my daily calorie allowance.

    Also, what I do, is do extra exercise on days I know I want to eat like a crazed beast of the night. It's a fool proof technique.
  • catita1025
    catita1025 Posts: 46 Member
    Nope...I also don't care for the word "cheat." I've had to re-learn how I approach eating in general due to medical conditions, so I pretty much stay within guidelines I need to follow. Note, though, I didn't say "rules"...but guidelines. It's made a huge difference for me! :)