Foods for Poor College Student!



  • abelthephotographer
    Living on my own. Poor college student. Naturally, I buy the cheapest things that will last me the longest which happens to be predominantly carbs with little nutritional value. Does anyone have any recommendations for foods that are relatively "cheap", long lasting, but healthy. Example: oatmeal! I can buy packages of that for breakfast.

    If you're interested PM me and I can let you have some recipes I made up which, if you make in bulk, work out at about £1-25 per portion. Then to really fill you up, add 75-100g brown rice or wholewheat pasta. They're mostly meat-free (although I'm not a vegetarian).

    Cooking in bulk is the way to go if you live on your own like I do - freezing what you don't use. I made a veggie curry at the weekend (8 portions), so when it gets busy I know I have something full of fresh veg (and around 300 calories!) to heat up. See below, with a decent portion of brown rice I'm knocking 6-700 calories and it's as much as I can eat.

    Staples in the cupboard:

    Value range chopped tomatoes (31p/400g at Sainsburys) I absolutely swear by these.
    Value bags of mixed peppers
    Tins of tuna, anchovies, mackerel ...
    Pulses and beans of all varieties, esp. chickpeas, or dried for even more cheapness if you have time / inclination to soak them properly.
    Get a massive bag of stewing veg and roast it. Add stock and whizz up in the blender, and you have soup galore ... or do the same with that bag of value peppers, a load of garlic and some onions. It tastes divine with some herbs ... personally I would stay away from shop bought soups as they are more expensive and have lots of salt in them ...

    Three-egg omelette (including about 150ml semi-skimmed milk and a teaspoon of cheap pesto) plus any leftover veg you have = awesome and cheap as chips ...

    Or - I've tried some of these recipes and they've been great. You can't get cheaper, either:
