Getting offended too easily?



  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I definately see why it would bother you but maybe turn it around and pickup some cheap second hand scrubs, role play and rock his world. He will be thinking only of you when he sees scrubs from then on!

    This! That's an awesome break for you, actually. Scrubs are comfy.

    Exactly what I was gonna say! Totally awesome idea!!! Time to play nurse girl!!! :wink:

    Yeah I don't get it. Sexy nurse outfit, sure! Scrubs? Lolno
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I have this exact same conversation all the time with my boyfriend. Including the "you are making this into something it's not" bit. According to him he doesn't see a reason for a woman to wear make up or do their hair or anything. What, so we should just walk around naked? It makes ME feel good to occasionally put some gloss on. I do it partially to appear sexy to others. And you are going to dismiss that just cause?

    Men are stupid sometimes. They act like because they aren't a woman, they can't possibly understand a woman's world. 1. you don't need to understand something in order to act respectful 2. You could probably understand it if you just stopped and thought for a second.

    Not all men are like this. Some men like makeup, etc. But overall, calling the gender stupid is what's dumb. And you are saying they should think about things from a female's perspective (although not all females are into makeup either) and yet....wouldn't it serve you just as well to see where he is coming from?

    Instead of taking offense, try to see what he is actually saying.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Go buy some scrubs - they're cheap and comfortable. You can be wearing them (and nothing else) when he comes home from work...:wink:
  • arathena720
    arathena720 Posts: 449 Member
    My fiancé isn't much Ito the compliments. The first time I dressed up for him, I was meeting him to watch him play at the symphony. He asked me how I thought HE looked in his tux but didn't say anything about me. I called him out on it, and now it's like a joke.i'll get dressed up, show him and say "What's that? I look wonderful? Oh, THANK you for noticing! That's so sweet!" He thinks I'm sexy at any weight, he's just too dumb to verbalized it. I wouldn't take it personally.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    Let's put it this way. I have no reason to put on high heels when getting ready for bed, but sometimes I do.
    And scrubs are cheap. Spice it up!
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    You hit the jackpot if you can wear scrubs and your husband thinks it's sexy. Have you ever worn those? Comfy!
  • chelseagirlfl
    chelseagirlfl Posts: 207 Member
    I would so get some scubs and wear really sexy bra and panties under it...rock his world...its good when a man tells you exactly what he wants/likes ... this may be a great situation for you.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    I definately see why it would bother you but maybe turn it around and pickup some cheap second hand scrubs, role play and rock his world. He will be thinking only of you when he sees scrubs from then on!


    He pretty much have you a shoe in to his fantasy, you turned around and torched him for sharing. In the future he will be less likely to share out of worry of hurting your feelings. You can embrace the situation and do the above and surprise him with it.
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    what ! ?...... has he got the hots for some nurse?
  • Tropicalfirestorm
    I have this exact same conversation all the time with my boyfriend. Including the "you are making this into something it's not" bit. According to him he doesn't see a reason for a woman to wear make up or do their hair or anything. What, so we should just walk around naked? It makes ME feel good to occasionally put some gloss on. I do it partially to appear sexy to others. And you are going to dismiss that just cause?

    Men are stupid sometimes. They act like because they aren't a woman, they can't possibly understand a woman's world. 1. you don't need to understand something in order to act respectful 2. You could probably understand it if you just stopped and thought for a second.

    Not all men are like this. Some men like makeup, etc. But overall, calling the gender stupid is what's dumb. And you are saying they should think about things from a female's perspective (although not all females are into makeup either) and yet....wouldn't it serve you just as well to see where he is coming from?

    Instead of taking offense, try to see what he is actually saying.
    I said "sometimes men are stupid." when this happens "they act like".


    "men" refers to men in general. I did not specify how many men. I was not referring to men as a hole, but some men.

    I see exactly where he is coming from. He views people by their anatomy. By their personalities. I don't see how that is relevant. Just because he doesn't understand something does not give him the leeway to act like people who are into it are dumb. For the record, I'm not really into make up.

    and I think it's less that he doesn't understand some of these things and more that he doesn't try to understand it.

    For example:

    "I don't understand why women would judge someone based on their hair" he says, "people who do that are stupid" he says.

    there are tons of reasons to judge someone on their hair. hair is an extension of your personality. The style of hair you wear, unless someone else chose it, says something about you. In the past, women were n ot allowed to choose the hairstyle they wanted. It was long hair only. If a woman wanted to cut her hair, she had to do it secretly, a little bit a night. Thus, I can completely understand why someone would make judgments based on someone's hair.
    This all took me about a minute to come with. I just took a minute to think about it.

    (though for the record, vain *kitten* who judge people solely on looks are idiots)
  • RobbinRL
    I definately see why it would bother you but maybe turn it around and pickup some cheap second hand scrubs, role play and rock his world. He will be thinking only of you when he sees scrubs from then on!

    There you go! He said EXACTLY what I was thinking! It's what I would to do...! It surely cannot hurt and who knows you may have the time of your life!

  • Pulka_Dot
    Pulka_Dot Posts: 87 Member
    I think you're making a mountain out of a molehill. My husband isn't in the Navy but I find the beige/sand colored uniforms with the white t-shirt underneath to be incredibly sexy but I don't expect him to wear it, nor would I ever ask him to.

    He married YOU! You, even though you don't wear scrubs. :)
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    It sounds like you were hurt because he said he finds scrubs sexy and you don't wear scrubs? I don't know. Doesn't seem worth getting upset about. If everything in your marriage is ok why sweat it?

    I took it as maybe she thinks he's getting turned on by other women wearing scrubs yet he finds nothing she does to look nice as making her attractive. So she's hearing it as "I find other women attractive, but not you, because you don't wear scrubs" since he doesn't compliment her much anyway.

    But I agree with the poster that said to pick up some cheap scrubs. No need for second hand. They're like 10 bucks at Walmart.
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    Men and women communicate differently. We have different needs and give support differently.

    First, you have to tell him what you need and how you feel. If him telling you that you looked nice in that dress is going to make you happier, you have to explain that to him. Sometimes men need to be pointed in the right direction. I'm sure if you tell him how you feel, he will make it a point to try and remember for the next time you are dressed up.

    Second, you have to meet him in the middle. If he likes scrubs on a woman, why not invest in them. You may not think you look attractive, but if he thinks its attractive, what is the harm in doing it? It could open up a whole new area of your relationship.

    Last, don't be so sensitive. He probably didn't mean to hurt your feelings, he was just expressing himself. It just happened to not be what you wanted or needed to hear. Communicate that to him and listen to him in return.
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    Sounds like he was making a joke? Scrubs have as much appeal as a mumu. Then again, ya never know about people's fetishes sometimes.

    This was my very first thought as well, and I wear them for work.

    To the OP, I think you should go get yourself some scrubs and see what happens.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Do you have sex? That means he's attracted to you.

    I've been in a few relationships. The one I'm in now is eight years and counting. Every time, the first few months are full of compliments and then they dwindle quickly. I rarely get one these days. It would be nice every once in a while, but I don't dwell on it.

    So go get some scrubs and wait for him to come home and see what happens.
  • asimmons221
    asimmons221 Posts: 294 Member
    I've done the same with my girlfriend and she took it in a similar way that you did.
    I doubt he meant to insult you, nor did he say it in any negative way. As a fellow guy, I'm sure he meant it in a subtle hint that you would look just as good in scrubs. I think woman sometimes divulge too deep into a males statement sometime, it's not that we are fantasizing about other woman, it's hey if they can look good in a dress they can look good in sweats or whatever else they wear to dress down.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Get a sexy nurse costume and a pair of scrubs. That should solve the problem.
  • joe_madre
    Sounds more like maybe someone's lunar cycle is just about here. Find yourself a nice, quiet place to meditate for 4-7 days then come back to the real world and look at your post again.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I remember from another post you had he makes these little d1ckey off handed comments, and cant understand why you get hurt by them.

    He likes to go for the jugular with you. I dont know if I could live for 30-50 years of those little off handed "innocent" comments.

    Oh and just from how he sounds, I of course dont know the guy, but I bet if you bought scrubs and made his little fantasy come true (has he made any of your fantasies come true?) I bet he'd tell you that he doesnt like blue scrubs or you got the wrong style. I dont know just something tells me he isnt ever happy.