how long after I get navel piercing can I work out?

So I never really workout, although i need to and I'm getting a navel piercing probably at the end of this week. Should I be able to work out and get a toned body by next summer? I'm 20, 5'1 90-95 lbs (really high metabolism) and so out of shape its not even funny. and I have no muscle really, I'm hoping a belly piercing will give me incentive to get toned and do cardio etc to make my bod look the best for it. I'm skinny obviously by looking at my weight but I eat so many unhealthy foods like potatoes all the time that my tummy is starting to get a pudge to it. I need that pudge to get it pierced since I have enough fat around there for one to go easily lol but want more ab muscles by next summer, will that be plenty of time for it to heal and then I can start working out or will it likely reject if i gain any ab muscle?