Slow progress

Hi everyone,

I've used MFP on and off for a year but only really got serious about tracking calories about 3 months ago.
In that time I've lost only 1 kilogram. However I've also lost 5cm each off my waist and tummy and 2cms off my chest. Using my crappy bathroom scale I've lost around 1.9% body fat. I still have a way to go. (I want to reach 26% BF and I'm currently around 37%!!)

Basically, I've just been sticking to 1550 calories per day, averaged over the week. I've also done some walking and parts of the "zombies run to 5k" training program.

I know I should probably try a bit harder with exercise as I think that is the key for me for bigger losses. What do you think? Continue to go very slowly with some exercise ... or really ramp up exercise with daily walks and some gym sessions? I'm doing better than I've ever done before, but is it enough?

At this rate It will take me over a year to reach my goal!


  • larryewing92
    larryewing92 Posts: 10 Member
    slow and steady wins the race. why such a hurry? enjoy it and it will stay off longer in the long run. just my two cents.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    You haven't given us a lot of info here, but my initial thoughts are to keep losing slowly and maybe look into taking up weight training in the meantime. Have you seen this thread, it is in 3 parts. Inspiring stuff.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Open your diary.
  • ktp6
    ktp6 Posts: 19 Member
    I'd like to do a bit of weight lifting. I have started with body weight exercises such as dips, push-ups, body weight squats etc. Once I can do 5 full push-ups in a row, I'm going to move over to basic free weights. Last time I got into it, I injured my shoulder... so slow and steady :)
  • slow and steady wins the race. why such a hurry? enjoy it and it will stay off longer in the long run. just my two cents.

    So true!!! It took me 2 years to lose 47lbs and it'll probably take another year to lose the last 14lbs. But it will stay off and that's all that matters. You're doing great! :smile:
  • ktp6
    ktp6 Posts: 19 Member
    Is it hard for you to stay motivated when the losses aren't obvious over time?
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Is it hard for you to stay motivated when the losses aren't obvious over time?
    Yes, it can be. That's why it's important to look at things other than the scale: measurements, pictures, endurance, strength... This is another wonderful informative thread, that should help get you started and keep you motivated:
  • Is it hard for you to stay motivated when the losses aren't obvious over time?
    Sometimes I get a bit frustrated but I just have to shake it off and remember how far I have come and NOT how far I still have to go. I need to remind myself that if I gave up, I would go back to being the person I used to be and I was NOT happy that way at all. Never give up!!!
  • ktp6
    ktp6 Posts: 19 Member
    Is it hard for you to stay motivated when the losses aren't obvious over time?
    Yes, it can be. That's why it's important to look at things other than the scale: measurements, pictures, endurance, strength... This is another wonderful informative thread, that should help get you started and keep you motivated:

    excellent summary! The one I fall down in is probably macro-nutrient intake. I started really well and now I eat a bit randomly (but still under calories). To know I'm knocking everything off that list in some way is a nice feeling. This motivates me to address the eating part again.
  • ktp6
    ktp6 Posts: 19 Member
    Is it hard for you to stay motivated when the losses aren't obvious over time?
    Sometimes I get a bit frustrated but I just have to shake it off and remember how far I have come and NOT how far I still have to go. I need to remind myself that if I gave up, I would go back to being the person I used to be and I was NOT happy that way at all. Never give up!!!

    Going back! I don't want to go backwards!

    I keep telling myself - I've started. I don't want to look back in 6 months and say "I shouldn't have stopped".
  • larryewing92
    larryewing92 Posts: 10 Member
    it's hard for me yes. when I was 20 years younger I could drop 10 pounds in a week. now im happy with 3 pounds in a week. let's see how today went tomorrow! i'm hoping for another pound. haha
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    it took me ages to lose 25kgs- 18 months or so. I have not lost any weight for over a year, and i still have the potential to lose a good 20kgs. However, i have kept myself motivated by having fitness goals instead of weight loss goals. This time around, the goal has always been to improve fitness and the weight loss has been a beneficial side effect. I think if it had been all about the size of my *kitten*, then i would have gone back to old habits a very long time ago- i would never have lost the 25kgs in the first place!

    make it about achieving fitness goals and put the focus on that, rather than have it about weight loss. If you train right and continue to monitor what you consume, everything will just fall into place :-) weight takes an awful long time to shift, but you can see a big difference in your fitness and endurance on a weekly basis.