


  • thatjeffsmith
    thatjeffsmith Posts: 110 Member
    I kicked off my health journey with a 3 month fast in the beer department. It really helped me to limit myself to 1 or 2 a few times a week instead of 2-3 every night. A small different that makes a big impact over time.

    I haven't given anything up, I just trade food cals for booze cals and vice versa :)
  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member
    3 mph walk for a mile and one glass of wine I'm ahead by 14 cals...drink drink and chase Mary!
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    I love it! Won't ever give it up.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Dont give up anything. Just have less, fit it into your calories and be really honest about how much you are pouring.

    ^ This.
  • NotRailMeat
    NotRailMeat Posts: 509 Member
    Speaking from the perspective of someone who has a cellar with over 180 bottles with an app to track inventory, and who once took 6 bottles with him on a 2 week vacation (just in case I couldn't find a good wine in Hawaii)....

    Me? Give up wine? Only when they pry it from my cold dead fingers.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Wine! I'm half French and have been drinking wine since I could talk, so no, I will never give up wine. That said, as I get older I definitely feel it in the morning, even if I've just had one or two glasses the night before. Since I work out at 6 am, I've cut back significantly. At first I missed it terribly -- how can you enjoy a good meal without a good wine?? But I've gotten used to it now and only drink it on the weekends. It's also a lot easier to keep to your calorie limits without 300 cals of wine to account for...
  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    I also gave it up initially. Then slowly added it back in like once every other weekend. I'd love more but I don't want it hindering my progress :-/