I am addicted to chocolate and can't stop.



  • emilycarr71404
    emilycarr71404 Posts: 176 Member
    I have two methods that help me from going overboard. 1.) I allow myself one meal a week that is whatever I want. You could save that one night for that high calorie chocolate treat you love. or 2.) If you want chocolate but binge eat huge sizes THEN DON"T BUY the big ones. Just get the single serving sizes and savor them. Good luck.
  • ToFatT0B3S1ck
    ToFatT0B3S1ck Posts: 194 Member
    Try buying chocolate cereals and have a bowl every morning for breakfast. Cereal is about 110 to 120 calories for either 3/4 cups or a full cup. Chocolate Cheereos have 100 calories per cup. I <3 chocolate so every morning I eat cereal. It keeps me satisfied unless TOM comes around. They I say F it and get a Fastbreak.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I have a rule to avoid chocolate by itself. For example, I can eat a granola bar with chocolate, a trail mix with chocolate chips, or chocolate-dipped strawberries. I also like adding a half teaspoon cocoa powder to steamed unsweetened vanilla almond milk, which is a low-calorie treat. This helps me avoid overindulging.
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    I used to be the same. Ben and Jerrys chocolate fudge brownie frozen yoghurt worked for me. I'd have 100g which is something like 150cals and bulk it out with strawberries...
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    It is a choice as others have said. I've been a chocoholic my entire life. The one thing that helped me when I first started was to not bring things into the house that would tempt me. I also started buying dark chocolate in individually wrapped pieces. Believe it or not, over the months my craving for chocolate has really lessened. One or two pieces of dark chocolate does the trick for me now and I rarely want more than my 2 pieces.

    Now, is this because I have learned to control my cravings or is it because the dark chocolate has magical powers to stop my carvings? :laugh: I'm pretty sure it is the former. Keep working on it. Learning to control our food cravings is an ongoing practice. Keep at it. If you truly want to lose the weight - you'll find the power within yourself to do it!

    Good luck.
  • addysolari
    addysolari Posts: 181 Member
    If you really, really can't cut it out of your diet then at east switch to darker chocolate like 70% cocoa or more. Personally I love it, goes great with red wine.
  • AllyCatXandi
    AllyCatXandi Posts: 329 Member
    I struggle with chocolate too. Now - quite shockingly - I'm starting to train myself into this moderation thing. Kinda.

    Just to give you some context here, back in the day I would easily wolf down an enormous bag (500g!) of Smarties in one sitting. They're basically like a yummier version of M&Ms, haha. A block of chocolate? Entire packet of biscuits? Easy. I was that kid who could eat their whole Easter basket/Halloween haul in one sitting. AS A SNACK.

    So, here's what happened:

    When I started keeping track of what I was eating, there were more than a few occasions where I would use up my entire day's worth of calories in chocolate by noon (or at the very least a significant portion of it). Usually this was on weekends, because those were the two days university didn't cater for our accomodation package. Now, since I was ridiculously stubborn (and still am) about not seeing those little red numbers...let's just say I went to bed more than a little hungry. Stupid, in retrospect, because ultimately I was depriving myself of proper nutrients and so on, but MY GOD did I learn. I was one of those people who just had to figure things out the hard way. Habit broke pretty quick after that. I still wasn't eating spectacularly on the two days I had to fend for myself (think microwave macaroni and cheese), but it sure as heck was better than a 1000+ calorie Cadbury binge first thing in the morning.

    Fast forward to having moved off campus and now preparing all my own meals. I realized that although I could say no to chocolate and leave it sitting in the cupboard for months at a time, once it was opened there was no stopping me. One moment of weakness, one promise to myself that I would just have a little bit, and...oh look, it's all gone. Oops. So at that point I stopped buying it altogether.

    Thing is, I love chocolate. Even if I don't have it in the house, I won't be able to avoid it for the rest of my life. And if I ban it, I'll feel deprived and crave it a thousand times worse. Which would make my encounters with the stuff a disaster waiting to happen. So, my general philosophy with grocery shopping has basically become, "If you can't be responsible with it, it's not going in the trolley". If I buy a pack of biscuits and eat the entire thing in one sitting, well, guess I won't be buying those again. Or at least not until I feel like I can do a better job in the self-control department. It's kind of like incentive, really. If I stick to my two choclate biscuit/squares of chocolate/whatever quota with my morning cuppa then in the long run, I get more of them! And I find that I actually enjoy them more, since I focus on what I'm doing instead of mindlessly munching through everything. Oh, and it means I can buy the good quality stuff (I love Lindt). Because it's worth spending the money on since it's my special treat.

    Not sure if my talking through my entire relationship with chocolate will help any, but I'll move on with a few tips I picked up that have helped me.

    - Dark chocolate. You tend to need less of it to get the same sense of satisfaction. Yes, it's better for you and all that, but also unlike milk chocolate it's a bit more of an effort to consume in epic portions.

    - Don't let your PMS go shopping. Just...don't. Stick to your shopping list. If the chocolate's already in the house and you live with someone, tell them to hang onto/hide it until your willpower comes back if you feel it slipping. I try to eat foods higher in magnesium to combat cravings, but it doesn't make them disappear altogether.

    - Since chocolate's pretty calorie-dense, you can find other ways to still get the flavour while feeling full. I mix chocolate in oatmeal or have hot chocolate. I have chocolate Up&Go for when I have to be somewhere absurdly early, and my protein powder is...you guessed it, chocolate flavoured. Some brands of chocolate mousse (like OMG or Soleil) are pretty low calorie as well, and there should be some single-serve chocolate puddings or yogurts that aren't too bad either.

    - Only buy one small pack of biscuits or a small block of chocolate to start off with. It may cost more to start off with, but I found it easier to start with a pack of 5 biscuits and learn how to control having that in the house before I was able to handle buying 2 packs of 12 when they were on sale at the supermarket. I have a bit of an ingrained 'finish-the-plate-and-do-it-quick' mentality, so that was what helped combat it.

    - After you've portioned out how much you're going to have, put the rest of the pack away. And in an annoying cupboard that you have to bend down/climb on a chair and rummage around in to get it (my snack cupboard is the one right behind the bin, to make the process extra difficult). Make sure they aren't staring you in the face when you go to said cupboard - out of sight, out of mind. So keep them at the back, behind something, and/or in an opaque container.

    - Eat away from the kitchen. If you have two snacks a day and during one of them you will be at work or otherwise out of the house, have it then. That way you physically cannot go back for seconds.

    - Focus on what you're doing. Savour every bite. And have something else after it like an apple or a cup of tea to make you feel full and to get the flavour out of your mouth (if I can still taste it, I tend to want more).

    - Don't carry loose change. That way you won't be inclined to hit the vending machine or anything like that. I know I've probably saved myself hundreds of dollars by simply not keeping coins in my purse. Granted, it's a hassle sometimes when you genuinely need change, but worth it in the long run.

    And wow. I think I rambled quite a bit here. But that's all I can think of for now, so I'll wrap this up. Best of luck to you and congrats on your weight loss progress thus far :heart:
  • I find the best thing is to try and replace it with something else or earn it.

    Once you stop for a few days you will find you want it less

    Ive got 40 cal per portion hot chocolate to drink as a treat, and sugar free ice lollies if I want something to eat

    At the weekend I did 25 miles of cycling so when my sister asked do I want a cupcake I said yes please I worked hard I deserve one (butter icing and all)

    Its important that you treat yourself and reward your hard work but it is also important to learn what works for you to build on your self control. All the while you make the excuse of you cant give it up means your not ready to give it up, there is no such thing as can or cant the only thing is whether or not your ready to take the next step
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I'm much the same way. I don't buy candy. I can't remember the last time I did. But I do have a 100 calorie deep chocolate vitatop after lunch and dinner every single day. I budget it in to my daily allotment, and I never feel deprived. If I could cut those out, I would theoretically lose 0.4 pounds more a week, but I would never be able to sustain that as a lifestyle change, so I accept my results as they are and go on with my life.

    Maybe try buying one square of Ghirardelli chocolate or one Lindt truffle for your chocolate fix?

    I know buying "economy size" is more economical, but some things I have to buy the single-serving packets. No sense in saving a few cents now if down the road I'll be bogged down with even more medical bills than I already have!
  • I love chocolate also. I could eat a bag of those little bars daily, I know this so I don't buy them. It is pretty hard sometimes to say no to myself. I have found that Fiber One 80 Chocolate cereal to be pretty good and filling. A 3/4 cup is only 80 calories.
  • chris2267
    chris2267 Posts: 57 Member
    I love chocolate too. However, the only way I would allow myself to have chocolate was if it was dark chocolate. Start with the lower percentage -(or highest) and go up or down from there. I am comfortable with 88% and can eat a couple squares and then my craving is gone.
  • enidite
    enidite Posts: 92 Member
    I am so sorry you are struggling with chocolate right now. I can relate all too well. For me it was the empty carbs as in white breads, pasta etc.
    Like one poster said before you might get your blood sugar checked and get tested for diabetes if you could be at risk for that. I have learned that I just need to keep some things out of the house for now. I will introduce them back into my life at a later point but for now they have to go. It is hard at first but it gets easier. It is to some extent about choice: Is it more important to calm the craving right now, or is it worth to go through the pain (and it is very painful I will not deny that) and lose some weight in the long run? Do you prefer to skip the struggle with food right now and struggle with your weight and the related health issues for the rest of your life?
    Another thing I wanted to mention is, you might want to take a look at your food diary and see if you eat enough foods that keep you full, proteins, high fiber foods, also some healthy fats and complex carbs, veggies. If your body is sensitve to quick spikes in blood sugar, then this may be helpful to calm these cravings down a little.
    You could also set mini goals and mini rewards for yourself. For example if you go x amount of days without chocolate then you will reward yourself with a non food reward. Make it special. There are many things to be learned and many milestones to be achieved. You can do it and you have already come a long ways, don't give up. Weight loss is hard, but it is well worth it.
  • Kayleighkaykay
    Kayleighkaykay Posts: 5 Member
    I'm currently knee deep in chocolate addiction too!

    I was doing really well for a while and buying dark chocolate covered ginger biscuits that were so strong in the ginger department it was impossible to have more than one!

    Although this week I have returned to work (student nurse) after four months off very ill, and have been using chocolate as a coping mechanism. I feel your pain. Not looking forward to next weigh in.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    okay then have some good chocotlate choices around to have that our guilt free like sugar free hot cocoa, or sugar free chocolate pudding or the chocolate Yoplait whips yogurt or a weigh watcher fudge pop or some chocolate special k cereal or some silk chocolate milk (soy or almond is best so try silk its good) or try the soda pop cake recipe: its a chocolate cake mix with only a can of diet cola or diet dr pepper (no oil or eggs needed) .. its chocalatey and low cal too. They even make a chocolate flavored cool whip you can keep in your freezer then use it as a ice cream substitute. Don't fight it, just work with new ideas.
  • LisaDunn01
    LisaDunn01 Posts: 173 Member
    From one former chocoholic to a present day one, I completely understand what you are going through. I too couldn't stop after one bite - and this went on for many years.

    What I found is that when there are certain nutrients missing from the diet, you become out of control with a particular food (and in our case, chocolate).

    While every person is different and the body's needs change over time, the following is what has been super successful for me in terms of eliminating the cravings, allowing me to enjoy "one square" of chocolate as I choose.

    The first change I did that resulted in a complete loss of cravings (and out-of-controlness, if that's even a word) is I started drinking green smoothies in the morning. Packed full of micro-nutrients, I found I craved this daily (for a good 6-8 months), dropped about 10 pounds and got control of food. You need a really good blender (like a Vitamix or Blendtec). Here was my absolute FAVORITE, and super yummy, smoothie: 10 oz. water, 1/2 c. pineapple, 1/2 orange, 1/2 frozen (peeled) banana, 1 1/2 handfuls of spinach, 1/8-1/4 bunch of fresh parsley (minus the stems) and 2-3 fresh basil leaves. Everyone who has tried this drink loves it!

    One day I found myself not wanting the smoothie anymore - I think my body was saturated with whatever nutrients it derived from the smoothie, and I found myself wanting... FAT. Good fats. So right now I'm on a kick where I am drinking my morning coffee with 1 tbsp. coconut oil, 2 tbsp. heavy cream (shaken, not stirred - yes, in a mason jar shake the coffee, cream and oil together or put through a blender). This has kept me full, allowed me to drop even more weight because I'm eating less and craving NOTHING, and my skin looks awesome! (Ref. www.westonaprice.org)
  • mirrinias
    mirrinias Posts: 80 Member
    OP here...I'm sorry I couldn't get back on the thread until now. I went to bed last night with no replies only to come back to a big response!

    Thanks for all your support, I wish that I could respond to each of you individually. Here is what I'm going to do:

    1. Go today and tomorrow without chocolate. That's two days, I can handle it.
    2. On Wednesday, I will buy some 70% dark chocolate and have what I want of it.
    3. Go another two days, rinse, repeat, then try three days without.

    One of my struggles is living so close to a grocery store. I literally live less than one block from the store, which I purposely chose because I don't have a car. Now, I hate going to the grocery store, but my urge for chocolate has won over my hatred of the grocery store many, many times.
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    Well, first of all, you are not "addicted" to chocolate :)

    I too am a chocoholic. I've read a statistic that 90% of Americans eat chocolate in some form every day. I will readily confess that I am that 90%.

    I try to get my chocolate "fix" in small ways instead of eating a whole candy bar. For example, chocolate-flavored protein shakes, or chocolate chips in my granola bar, or a mocha-flavored coffee.

    However, the point is to log, log, log. As long as you're staying within your calorie limits, you'll lose weight over time, even if you eat chocolate every day.

    This summer, due to a cross-country move and us not getting our new apartment as quickly as I'd thought we would, I lived in a hotel for 5 weeks. I ate a Snicker's bar from the vending machine every day, but carefully logged my calories. I lost 7 lbs that month. It's not the chocolate that's doing you in - it's the calories it contains, so just count it all and work it into your calorie bank for the day.
  • mirrinias
    mirrinias Posts: 80 Member
    I absolutely cannot control myself if I've purchased it. I will eat ALL of whatever it is I've bought. Even dark chocolate. I can't seem to limit myself to "one square a day" or "one 100-cal fudgescicle" a day.

    Hi mirrinias;

    First, CONGRATULATIONS on your loss so far! Great to see long-term results.

    Would it help to only keep unsweetened chocolate in the house? I'm talking about the 99% cocoa, seriously bitter/inedible stuff. That way you need to dilute it before it can be eaten -- 10 grams melted into a cupful of fat-free milk makes a decadent hot chocolate. Or you can microwave the same amount with 30mL milk and a sprinkle of salt, then dip an entire 250g punnet of strawberries into it. Both under 150 calories and much bigger/more satisfying than a tiny square of chocolate.

    I'm not an addiction expert so will leave that part of the question to more capable responders. Good luck!

    The strawberry solution sounds absolutely amazing.
  • Fortunately I don't have a sweet tooth possibly due to the way I was raised an being male. I'm also glad I don't have coffee/soda/alcohol addiction as I only drink water. But I did have a chips and pizza diet throughout highschool which is how I gained 40 pounds. I have since lost the weight after half a year and now I eat only eat a small bag or two of chips every few weeks satisfy any lingering cravings.
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    Just stop eating it if you cant control yourself with it in the house. Try to eat a piece of fruit or have a cup of tea with honey whenever you crave the chocolate. You WILL train your mind to enjoy the fruit/tea or whatever instead of the chocolate. Eventually you will not crave it anymore. Ask yourself, do I want to get in shape and be healthy, or do I want that candy bar more?