GO SOBER FOR OCTOBER!!! for cancer research, i`m doing it!!!

so here`s the thing ... i generally have a good diet ... my downfall is having a good drink! few glasses of wine after kids are in bed , a social drink with friends , a weekend binge ... its pretty brutal for the calories! lol , so when i saw this i thought why not???
this way i stop drinking , and i raise money for a charity close to mine and my families hearts!!! everyione should sign up!!! i`ll post a link in a min
my main question is .... i know its going to be tough , how do i not swap alcohol for food??? i dont want to replace drinking with eating if that makes sense???

link to my page on the gosober website :D feel free to donate (its run via the actual cancer research ppl so dont worry about me stealing your money) and sign up!!!!
