Menopause and weight loss

Is it possible? I'm currently going through forced menopause. I had breast cancer in 2010/2011 and when I gave birth to my last baby in 2012 I had my ovaries removed to reduce the risk of reoccurrence (I also carry the BRCA II gene mutation). I feel like no matter what I do I can't lose this weight.

My surgeon told me that usually women who have their ovaries removed gain weight and that I should be very happy with the 30 pounds that I have lost so far. However, I am in the scheduling process for a double mastectomy and I don't want to have it done until I get to my goal weight...I don't want to go through surgeries, to include reconstruction, and not be at the weight that I want to be.

Has anyone gone through menopause or currently going through menopause and been successful with weightloss?


  • BobcatGirl110
    BobcatGirl110 Posts: 364 Member
    First allow me to say that you are amazing and I wish you the best in all you are doing! Second, I am going through early menopause (at last I sure feel it's early but that runs in my family) and I haven't had a cycle since June and it's my second time "missing them" in the course of 2013 so while I'm not sure that I'm DONE....I'm definitely int he midst :) I have lost 52 pounds since February. Since my last cycle in June I've lost 20lbs of that through diet and cardio. I'm in no means an expert but the "math" seems pretty straightforward that if you exercise off more calories than you eat there will generally be a weight loss over time so hopefully you can find a balance that works for you.
  • BaileyP3
    BaileyP3 Posts: 151 Member
    I went through menopause 7 years ago and since then I've lost 70 lbs and kept it off. I have never been a snacker and I cook most of our food from scratch (not necessarily 'clean' eating but pretty close) We limit the number of restaurant meals and get regular exercise. Frankly the first 60 lbs were put on over a very stressful time in my life over 2-3 years and came off very easily once the stress was gone. I'm currently in the best shape of my life (so far) and 3 months away from turning 50 so yes it can be done.

    Best of luck
  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    Thanks...glad to hear that you guys have been successful. In 2007 I lost 130 pounds and kept it off until I got pregnant in 2011.... it is definitely more difficult now than it was then...but I'm glad to hear that there is hope...guess my doctor was wrong :)
  • MermaidTX
    MermaidTX Posts: 352 Member
    Is it possible? I'm currently going through forced menopause. I had breast cancer in 2010/2011 and when I gave birth to my last baby in 2012 I had my ovaries removed to reduce the risk of reoccurrence (I also carry the BRCA II gene mutation). I feel like no matter what I do I can't lose this weight.

    My surgeon told me that usually women who have their ovaries removed gain weight and that I should be very happy with the 30 pounds that I have lost so far. However, I am in the scheduling process for a double mastectomy and I don't want to have it done until I get to my goal weight...I don't want to go through surgeries, to include reconstruction, and not be at the weight that I want to be.

    Has anyone gone through menopause or currently going through menopause and been successful with weightloss?

    Post menopausal here - lost 40+ lbs in the last year. 25 of that was by just changing how I ate (cutting out sodas, fast food, potato chips). I've recently lost 17ish since June after I changed to LCHF WOE.

    I was concerned that it would be near impossible to lose since I'm over 50 & post menopausal but I'm doing it!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    It is possible, but it may be "different" than losing weight before. You may need to reduce carbs because with hormonal changes, your body is more insulin resistant. Your body also is under more stress and releases more cortisol so you may need to move towards less long duration high intensity exercise and do shorter HIIT training.
  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    Thanks for the responses...I wish I could have lost the baby weight and then had the ovaries certainly is making things more difficult but I'm never giving up...I will get this weight off of me :) I hope that I can jumpstart things so that I can continue on with the surgery sooner rather than later :)
  • Geeky_Girl
    Geeky_Girl Posts: 239 Member
    I'm going through menopause at the moment (also due to cancer, I'm only 30). I gained at first, but through diet and exercise (finding what works) I'm losing. It seems to be finding the *right* diet and the *right* exercises now. I used to be able to just count calories and walk on the treadmill, but now I've found targeted activities work the best.

    Good luck! :)
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    I HAVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't get me wrong--it isn't easy. My trainer puts me on a very strict adkins for 10 days every 3 months to shake things up and keep me going. I have to take my handful of pills every morning BUT--I keep it in my mind that I can do this and I have. You have to stay positive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can do this..
  • JaneAero
    JaneAero Posts: 95 Member
    Hi there Momof3boys, I went through the menopause last year, well maybe the last few years and I hadnt noticed but I officially have not had a cycle since May 2012. Im 53 years old (54 next month) So... Ive been dieting for approx 9 weeks in total ( 7 by myself/2 on MFP) and have lost 21lbs in 9 weeks (18 myself/3 on MFP) thinking about it thats 3lbs a week on average and ive been muddling through, the odd walk here and there, switched as many foods as I can to healthier alternatives, cut out cakes, biscuits, crisps as much as possible, counted calories and loggged everything . I tend to eat between 1200 and 1500 a day depending on how hungry I am. I was 5ft 4 and 16 stone, 2lbs i think when I started around 226/228lbs and am now 205lbs. So I would say take heart that the menopause shouldnt make much of a difference if youre determined. I think weight gain after the menopause may be what women are prone to, but all is not lost , certainly Ive found that being careful with food and just sticking to it as best as I can is working for me and I hope this is encouraging for you to hear. ((Hugs)) for being a cancer survivor & I hope you achieve your weight loss goals
  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    Options's great to hear that you all have been successful. Maybe when my doctor told me that it was very difficult she wasn't just talking about menopause but because of my ovaries being removed...I can't take any hormone replacements either because my cancer was hormone positive....

    I'm not giving up...I will lose this weight if it takes me
  • JaneAero
    JaneAero Posts: 95 Member
    The reason I havent had a cycle since May 12 is I too have had both ovaries removed. I had solid, large septated lumps in both ovaries and they thought I had ovarian cancer, I had both ovaries removed and luckily didnt have cancer, thank god. So......I was fat before the operation and fat afterwards, in fact until I started to diet a few weeks ago it would be fair to say I put on another 30lb after the operation. I suspect this was a combination of hormones and overeating. But dont worry, Ive had both ovaries removed and the weight is coming off and ive had a surgical menopause, it can be done. Edited to add, im not taking anything either, such as HRT, ive been blessed as i havent had a single symptom that you could describe as the menopause before or after the operation. No flushes, sweating, mood swings etc
  • la8ydi
    la8ydi Posts: 294 Member
    I've heard (but don't quote me lol) that many women who don't change their diets/eating habits start gaining weight during menopause - cortisol or whatever....but if you are on a healthy path, then the weight will normally (albeit slowly) come off. I think (??) I've started seeing menopausal symptoms - but I'm not really sure. I'm just going to adjust my lifestyle - try and be more healthy and live my life. :-)
  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    It definitely is more difficult shredding this weight this time around. It's a slow process but I will make it happen. I guess I'm just getting frustrated because I want to get the weight off prior to my double mastectomy and reconstruction. I don't want to go through the surgery and then lose the weight and look misproportianate...I know that may sound vain but even the doctors agreed that if I plan to lose the weight I should do it prior to surgery. I want to lose between 40 and 50 more pounds...I think that once I lose an additional 25 more pounds I will start to feel better about it and I will then schedule my surgery. are very flashes are feel like my insides are going to blow up and I have great difficulty sleeping.