too much fruit???

zeeohhsix Posts: 41
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I think i may be having 2 much fruit my sugars are always over .... Is this really a bad thing my food dairy is public so experts let me know... Thanks in advance!!


  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    Just based on today's entry, I think you might be getting too much of a good thing--two apples for breakfast? Three oranges as a snack? Fruit *is* really good for you, with all the vitamins and fiber, but I would recommend some protein (especially in your breakfast) because it will keep you feeling full longer and also slow the absorption of the sugar from the fruit you eat (meaning no blood sugar spike--and no crash later).
    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    Two servings of fruit a day is what most diets call for....Yes too much sugar can make your blood sugar go up and then down making you hungry
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I usually have 3-4 or more servings of fruit a day. My opinion, it's real sugar, sugar that is naturally found in the food. It's not processed sugar.
    But I also think that balance is key in any diet. So you still need your veggies, grains, protein, good fat.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Firstly, I don't think being over on your sugars is necessarily a bad thing if the foods the sugar is coming from are not junk.

    As others have said though, you should make sure you get some variety of food in. I just had the quickest peek at the last few days of your diary and blatantly obvious to me is that you don't have any dairy. I would swap some of your fruit for low fat dairy (or dairy substitutes if you are intolerant). It's filling, packed with nutrition and research has shown that people who eat 2-3serves of dairy per day lose more weight than those who don't (even if they eat the same amount of cals!).
  • metizzy2
    metizzy2 Posts: 122
    My personal trainer told me to limit my fruit intake to jumpstart my body. Sugar, in any form can be a bad thing when trying to lose weight. After viewing your food diary, I noticed that your sodium is way over the limit. And you're not drinking any water. There is water in fruit, but it's not enough. My suggestion is to add fat free dairy, protein, WATER, and limit fruit and anything with sodium.
    Good luck!
  • zeeohhsix
    zeeohhsix Posts: 41
    Thanks every one I know im over on sodium , but i never really thought about the dairy products.. i will start doing better on that!!!. Also im not trying to loose weight just maintain and make sure im eating right. It sounds like most are split on being over from sugars that are from fruit. Im gonna try and cut back here also ,and add some diffrent things for snacks. Its just so easy to grab an orange or an apple. Thanks for all the suggestions It brought to light where im lacking and i agree i should replace some fruit with some dairy products. The sodium well that needs work also, but everything has so much sodium. As far as water i just dont log it i drink more than what is recomended all i drink is plain water nothing else besides black coffie in the morning

    Thanks again
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