Looking for some friends :)

Hi! My name is Darlene, I am 44 years old and looking to loose 59 pounds. I really need some friends for support and encouragement! I have done Weight Watchers at least 3 or 4 times. In 2001 I lost 55 pounds but, like always have put it all back on and then some!

It's always hard for me because I LOVE to eat! And I am definitely an "emotional eater".:frown: I really can't stand exercising either. I am not lazy by any means. I run after an almost 2 year old everyday! (I am helping my daughter raise her son.) I also take medication that makes me hungry so, that doesn't help either...

Anyway, if anyone wants to be friends feel free to add me or I'll add you. I just started using this website today. So, I am still learning how to navigate it. Haha! :laugh: Today is also the first day of my "Getting Healthier" Lifestyle. I hate the word "DIET" so, I try not to use it! haha! :laugh:


"When you think about quitting: think about why you started." :heart:
