Years long plateau...

csimm Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm hoping someone can help me with this major frustration.

My history-

I was significantly overweight throughout my entire childhood and decided around the age of 14 to start watching what I ate. I took very slow steps at first, just cutting back on my intake and making healthier choices while doing low impact aerobics videos. I slowly lost a healthy amount of weight throughout my teenage years, hitting a plateau around the end of high school, but still always slightly overweight. After high school I joined a gym as well as started jogging outdoors. I think I lost another 10-15 pounds from this and have been able to easily and efficiently maintain my weight without major fluctuations. At 27 now, I'm a tall girl, around 6'1" and constantly weigh between 191-195, considered pear shape where I definitely carry the majority of my weight in my hips, thighs and legs. All in all I lead a very healthy lifestyle- eating tons of fruits, vegetables, lean meats and whole grains. I rarely splurge and when I do I always consider the healthier alternatives. I also run/jog/walk at least 3 miles 3-4 times a week, sometimes doing strength training videos or lifting weights and trying to change up my routine.

The only time in the past 5 years I was able to notice a change in my body was when I tried a raw cleanse where I only consumed raw fruits and vegetables for three weeks. I always felt really hungry and was really lacking in calories, so I was essentially starving my body and couldn't keep up with a diet like that. Of course the few pounds I had lost popped back on as soon as I started eating normally.

I have a lot of loose and flabby areas on my body that keep me from feeling as good and proud of my body that I should. I have come a long way from being an obese child, but the remains of elastic skin and extra joggle that I can't seem to get rid of really frustrate me. It's definitely not bad enough to where I should consider surgical removal, but it's enough to where I feel 'doughy' and uncomfortable in certain clothing.

What can I do to fight this years long plateau war?

Has anyone been in a similar situation?

Is there a big possibility I have a thyroid problem? (A family member has it)

Thanks for reading!


  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Hi, I was the same weight from age 12 to age 20 even with exercise and trying to diet. Since you said you run/jog/walk 3-4 times a week and sometimes do strength training, I think the best thing would be to change up your routine. I love P90X and have found that the jiggles have firmed up nicely. However, Insanity is all cardio based (so no need to buy pull-up bar, weights, etc.) and is also a great toner. You can check them out at:

    You can check out my profile to see how my tummy has changed too.

    Best of luck!
  • metizzy2
    metizzy2 Posts: 122
    First thing you need to do is go to a dr. to get your blood work done. That will let you know if you have a thyroid or hormonal problem. I also have some loose skin from losing weight. As far as I know, there is nothing that can be done, short of surgery. There is no amount of creams or lotions that will tighten the skin. It sounds like you're doing all the right things for weight loss.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member sound like me, except I'm 39 and I was in the 190-200 weight category (for years). I'm now 170ish (and getting smaller), down from 204 in April 2009, and what did it for me was strength training regularly 3 days/week. And I don't mean little 5 lb. dumbbells, I mean some SERIOUS strength training. I did P90X and Insanity, but the program I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE is ChaLean Extreme. Seriously, I am no longer afraid to really lift heavy weights...I'm pushing/pulling between 12 - 35 pounds in the workouts (less on smaller muscles like triceps and posterior delts, more on larger muscle groups in the back, biceps, and lower body) and getting smaller and smaller. Seriously, LOVE IT.

    Message me if you'd like more information...your body shape sounds JUST like mine.

    I have progress pictures if you'd like to see them at: (just click on the 'see my profile' link)
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