


  • Maureen214
    Maureen214 Posts: 40 Member
    Nothing on this forum is going to replace medical care or a doctor's advice, but I'm with the other poster that mentioned anxiety.

    I had an anxiety attack before that lasted for like an hour and a half. My chest was tight and heart was beating so hard I could see it move my bra under my shirt. It was horrible and there was nothing I could do about it but wait to calm down and let it pass. I felt like it would never end, but it did. :P I have anxiety attacks very rarely, but they do run in my family. My mother had them and sister has them sometimes.

    Usually it only happens when I'm sleep deprived and stressed out or worried about stuff I have no control over. Regular sleep, hydration, daily magnesium, multi-vitamin, and regular medical care with my GP (so I know it's not an actual blood pressure or heart problem), keeps it from happening. But, I'm still a worrier and think too much. ;)

    You might not be worried about losing your job or paying your bills, but over-exercising (if that's the case) is a form of stress, too.
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    I got them from age 16 - 32 approximately. I got checked at the doctor. Often after a stressful day - a day when I was really bothered or nervous. I don't get em anymore. I used to smoke a pack a day and drink coffee. I gave those up --maybe that's why the palpitations went..... Stop exercise if that is what your body tells you.
  • Maureen214
    Maureen214 Posts: 40 Member
    Sorry to hear about your anxiety. I posted previously about some of my medical history. Since I had cancer 10 years ago, I noticed an in tease in my anxiety and have had a few actual panic attacks. I've had a few other medical issues since then I. E. blood clotting disorder , gallbladder removed, tumors appeAring on follow up exams, but luckily all 4 have been benign just wierd in odd and different places, bulging discs in back and neck bacterial meningitis and now migraines which never had previously..... Anyway I think these issues have caused the anxiety oh and sleep apnea which we know how not enough sleep can stress us out, too! But I wear a lovely CPAP machine now, so I always have an anti anxiety medicine like clonazapam which my GP prescribes so I do 't ever have to just wait it out or calm down cause that makes it MUCH worse for me and the first time lasted hours and the second time after hours I went to the ER. So with the medicine, it usually starts to work I about 20 minutes.
    I hope you're doing better, too and sorry if this us Waaaaaaay too long or TMI!!
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    I am very glad you went to the doctor, because at the end of the day, no matter what we say, this is nothing to mess around with. I have a Premature Ventricular Contraction. Sounds like a lot of people here have something similar. My heart gets off rythmn and delays its beat for a second to get back on track. It can be dangerous unless your heart is nice and strong and moves a good amount of blood with each beat. But it is VERY uncomfortable when it happens.

    Here is my point...Mine gets much worse when I am stressed. Practically non-existent when I am not. Another thing, I am a therapist, and what you might be experiencing is stress attacks. This is also a description of a panic attack. And contrary to popular belief you don't have to be in a stressful or upsetting situation to have one. If your doctor doesn't find anything wrong with your heart, I would suggest talking to him about the possibility that it might be panic.

    last thing... honey, maybe you should ease up on the work out. Sounds like you do an extreme amount of work...might be having a negative effect on your body. Remember moderation... God Bless.

    I did for a little bit and honestly since it started I haven't been running. I also cut the coffee out. I'm currently just doing my circuit workouts and trying to rest a little bit more. I think I've done a good job of eliminating stress and I'm working on getting more sleep. Thanks for your kind response. I'm a work in progress.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    <--- Not a doctor! However...

    I had the exact same symptoms last year. Sometimes it was when I was stressed out from work, sometimes when everything in my life was going fine. I finally spoke to my doctor about it and she suggested I stay away from pseudoephedrine (nasal decongestant--Sudafed) and caffeine. I got off caffeine entirely and still had the issue. I was on the brink of scheduling an appointment with my husband's cardiologist when I did a simple Google search and discovered that this CAN be a symptom of premenopause.

    I'm not big on dietary supplements, but I went out that night and bought a multi-vitamin and a box of black cohosh pills marketed as a hormone replacement alternative. I only took the black cohosh until the box was gone and then I didn't buy any's not something you're supposed to take for an extended period of time. By the time the box was empty, the symptoms were gone completely. I eventually went back on caffeine and the palpitations are almost nonexistent. I still get one or two every now and then but I cough (like someone else mentioned) and it goes away. I've also started meditating which I think helps with the stress component.

    I'm only 44, definitely not IN menopause, but periomenopause can begin up to 10 years prior to actual menopause and in my experience that was what caused my palpitations. Your mileage may certainly vary, but it's something to consider. (Although you don't look old enough from your avatar to be worried about that right now!)
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    So, I did visit my physician last week and after some further tests she discovered I was having heartburn. My physician felt that due to my diet of healthy foods, I was experiencing a back up of digestive acids. She prescribed me some Prevacid to help. She also suggested because I do eat a high protein, low carb diet to every now then have some carbs. She mentioned the build up could be happening because there is nothing to soak up the excess. So anyways, I'm totally relieved and feeling much better. I haven't had to take the prevacid yet because the feeling is gone but at least now if it comes back I'll be prepared. My heart is fine, blood, thyroid, etc., are all normal. I just have to work on keeping the stress down and eat a bit more carbs from time to time.

    One day I'll add coffee back into my diet because I miss it terribly. I've slowed down my workouts a lot and miss running but I plan to do one Friday morning to see how it feels after a three week lay off.

    Thanks everyone for your feedback and concern.:smile:
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Do you have a history of acid reflux? Sometimes people have silent reflux - reflux without heartburn. It can certainly cause chest pressure.

    If the palpitations make you nervous or anxious, the panic could cause a spike in your heart rate for a few minutes.

    Breathing tends to help with stress:
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    So, I did visit my physician last week and after some further tests she discovered I was having heartburn. My physician felt that due to my diet of healthy foods, I was experiencing a back up of digestive acids. She prescribed me some Prevacid to help. She also suggested because I do eat a high protein, low carb diet to every now then have some carbs. She mentioned the build up could be happening because there is nothing to soak up the excess. So anyways, I'm totally relieved and feeling much better. I haven't had to take the prevacid yet because the feeling is gone but at least now if it comes back I'll be prepared. My heart is fine, blood, thyroid, etc., are all normal. I just have to work on keeping the stress down and eat a bit more carbs from time to time.

    One day I'll add coffee back into my diet because I miss it terribly. I've slowed down my workouts a lot and miss running but I plan to do one Friday morning to see how it feels after a three week lay off.

    Thanks everyone for your feedback and concern.:smile:
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    Do you have a history of acid reflux? Sometimes people have silent reflux - reflux without heartburn. It can certainly cause chest pressure.

    If the palpitations make you nervous or anxious, the panic could cause a spike in your heart rate for a few minutes.

    Breathing tends to help with stress:

    Wow! You have no idea how right on you are. I think we were posting at the same time. Thanks for the link!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I'm glad you found out what it was! Chest pressure is one of the worst kind of feelings. Now you have tools to help you deal. :smile:
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    I'm glad you found out what it was! Chest pressure is one of the worst kind of feelings. Now you have tools to help you deal. :smile:
