Mom of 3 under 4 -- help!

Hey everyone,
I have 3 little boys(3.5 years,14 months, & 3 months), I am having a very hard time losing weight. My biggest factors are of course my 3 kids, an extremely tight budget, loads of stress, school, a house to maintain and well my MIND! I feel like I may have the baby blues but then again my family is having major difficult financial issues so how could I not be stressed?

Any other momma out there that can offer support or advice? I would greatly appreciate it



  • ElsaVonMarmalade
    ElsaVonMarmalade Posts: 154 Member
    I have 16-month-old twins, am job hunting and working, etc. I think there are a lot of us out there :) The thing that keeps me going is that I know eating junky food doesn't solve my problems or make me happier. It just makes me feel sluggish and guilty. ONWARD, CARROTS!
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I have 5 little ones - 9,7,6,3 and 18 months so I feel your pain! I also suffer with depression normally which got worse after a couple of the kids were born for a year or so (last born included). Its hard work being a mum but if you can find a little bit of time to do something for yourself, even if thats getting out for a walk with the kids, it will help you start to feel better. If you can eat a little better and see a few of the added lbs come off too then that should help you feel more in control and happier but it does take a lot of self motivation.

    I try to get my little one to bed so I can workout but I've found they all like to help if they won't nap or sit quietly. They like to be lifted which exercises my arms, they like to sit on my chest while I do sit ups (big ones sit on legs to help), they like to crawl under me while I do plank variations-which makes me make sure I stay stable! and they all like to copy me :o) Sometimes I force myself to workout when they're in bed but I'm usually very tired by then.

    You can find a way!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    My fourth is four weeks old, so I haven't been exercising yet. But I do ow how difficult it can be. Ultimately, you have to decide what your priorities are. If you want to lose weight you'll have to take the time to plan out meals (which helps save money on groceries) and log your calories. Taking walks with your kids is a good way to get in some exercise.