Need Help...

This is my first post, but I am hoping that it sparks conversation with everyone because I am in desperate need of support and motivation... and I dont have it for myself anymore.

A little back story: I am 25 and around 195 lbs at 5'4". I have PCOS which severely hinders my ability to lose weight. In February of 2012, I found a clinic called the Weight Loss Management of Georgia that I started going to, and for the first time in my LIFE the weight started to come off. She based her program off of blood work that focused on my insulin levels and other levels such as my vitamin D and B12. Also, she measured my resting metabolic rate to determine how many calories I was burning with out doing anything to know how much deficit to plan for to lose the weight. We did blood work every three months to adjust, and the plan worked! I started at 227, and was able to get down to 187 a few months ago, making my total weight loss 40 pounds. I never stepped foot in a gym... so this was all weight that came off without exercise. I was proud, but I knew I had so much farther to go.

The dilemma? My doctor closed her practice in May of this year, and since then not only have I not lost a single pound since then, I gained 10. I have been following the plan still, but have also added a little bit of exercise to my routine. As with EVERY SINGLE TIME I try to add exercise, the weight loss has completely stalled.

To make my delicate state even worse, I am fighting a heavy mental battle with all of this. I dont see the change in my body from 40 pounds ago, and even after losing the weight I am still wearing every piece of clothing I used to. My dress size didn't even budge! How that is possible is beyond me, but I am beginning to think I am the only one that is dealing with this.

I need a regimen... and some accountability. I have lost all bits of motivation, and have resorted recently to stress and depression eating, even though I am aware of it happening. What can I do? Do any of you have any plans I could follow?

Should I just focus on eating, or should I continue to try exercising even though it stalls me? What types of exercise should I start with? (note that I had knee surgery last year to reconstruct my ACL... so I am limited) Cardio only, cardio plus strength?

ANY advice or feedback would be welcomed and appreciated. Thank you all in advance!