How do you cope with your late night cravings?

I always crave for sweets and snacks at night, even though I'm not hungry. How do you handle your cravings?


  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    Have you tried sleepytime tea with stevia?

    Or maybe a little orange juice in a cup of mostly fizzy water?
  • I drink some water then chew some sugar free gum. The water helps my tummy feel full, and the gum gives me a bit of sweetness to stop the craving. Also the act of chewing psychologically helps with the food craving
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I usually eat something.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I suppose you would have to budget your nutrients in order to have some sweets. or you could battle the cravings by not eating them for a time and the cravings can go away that way. Its up to you, either eat them or not eat them. Most people here try to budget for them though and seems that works the best.

    I went cold turkey on some things, and now after 3 months I'm able to have them occasionally because they are something I WANT, not something I CRAVE. But im careful with what I re-introduce as I dont want to binge on them.
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    I usually eat something.

    me too!

    Seriously. I just make sure I keep the crappy food out of the house so when I start tearing the cabinets apart looking for junk, it's not there and I'm forced to eat something better for me.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I once read that cravings increase when you are sitting watching TV. It could be because of all of the food commercials that are on during TV programming can kind of subconsciously make you want to eat more.
  • udamom
    udamom Posts: 65 Member
    I eat low cal snacks. Fruit usually helps. I also love Outshine frozen fruit bars and most of them only have 60-80 calories so if I eat 2 it is not so terrible.
    sometimes I am terrible and sabotage my whole day though....sigh
    late night cravings are hard!
  • Plan for an evening snack in your diary. Make sure it fits in with everything else you've had during the day and your evening snack should help stop the cravings.

    And drink lots of water.
  • krissy5686
    krissy5686 Posts: 51 Member
    I usually have a glass of water (or a cup of herbal tea) and then wait for about ten minutes. For the most part, I feel full after that. If I'm still hungry, I'll have something reasonable, like a handful of almonds. Good luck!
  • ashleearoha
    ashleearoha Posts: 165 Member
    I drink a cup of tea or two with a sweetener. I swear by that haha
  • NaeNaeJanae
    NaeNaeJanae Posts: 261 Member
    Water, popcorn and fiber pills. The fiber and water make you fill full, and the popcorn gives something for your mouth to do. :)
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I eat pizza.
  • martyguy74
    martyguy74 Posts: 14 Member
    I usually drink an Atkins shake. It solves the sweet craving without overloading the carbs and it's a good protein boost before bedtime.
  • TemikaThompson
    TemikaThompson Posts: 222 Member
    Sugar is usually what you crave at night when you are sleepy. I'm a person that has always had sugar (junk) cravings at night especially with me being a night owl and love watching TV at night. I started out from eating all the wrong things to trying to eat fruit and veggies. I found that this helped because I'm a muncher and crunching on something helped me. After doing that for awhile I don't eat as many sweets at night anymore but I do instead plan for my sweets just incase I may want something. I literally prelog my bag of M&Ms for example, ahead of time so I will have room for them. If I don't have a taste for them, I just don't eat them. I don't buy junk because if I come across it I know I will want to eat it. I use to buy 100 cal snacks but found myself eating way more than I needed. Even when my kids ask for chips or cookies, I will only get them a single serving small packet instead of a bag because I know that I will eat them otherwise. My husband has a sweet tooth after dinner big time. To keep myself in control of not wanting his snacks I keep his things in a cabinet that is very low and inconvenient to reach for myself. That way it is not out in the open and not something I would normally reach for. He also hides snacks so it doesn't affect me. Another thing I do immediately after eating is chew gum and this totalling helps me to not want junk. the taste of it disappears from my mind. There are a lot of ppl at my job that eat junk right near me so this really helps me keep it in control. When I offer me the junk I literally don't have a desire for it because of the gum :flowerforyou:
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    I go to bed. :P If it's earlier than late night and it's just evening then have some fruit or something. :o find healthier alternatives that you'll like.
  • Sometimes brushing your teeth and having a wee drink of water helps :)
  • I eat pizza.
    WOW! Holy crap! That really works! I swear that's the only way to stop my late night cravings. Thanks.
  • camilleey
    camilleey Posts: 2 Member
    Try checking and adjusting your schedule... Do you sleep same time every night? Do you eat dinner way too early before you hit the sack?

    That used to be my problem, I eat early but stay late at night. So I adjusted my sleeping pattern. I eat dinner at least 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Joyella31
    Joyella31 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome aboard! If you find yourself up late at night (like me) and can't go to bed, keep healthy snacks and drinks within your reach. I like to have a few pieces of watermelon. If I'm craving salt I buy the special K cracker chips, the prepackaged bags, because when you're snacking in front of the tv you tend to eat without being mindful of all you're eating. Of course, if you want something sweet, skinny cow makes good chocolate treats and low cal ice cream. If you're thirsty, water is always the best but there's also vitamin water zero, sparkling water, or crystal light. Its ok to have cravings but the important thing is not to go overboard so keep healthy snacks nearby. I hope that helps! Best wishes in your weight loss endeavors!
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    1: go to sleep, maybe

    2: drink coffee

    3: eat a pickle, 0 calories, it's substance, watch the sodium though

    4: eat a little of what i'm craving