I'm getting my wisdom teeth extracted next Wednesday. I finished a round of Insanity and have just been continuing the Month 2 exercises starting from the beginning of Month 2. I'm worried that after the operation I won't be able to exercise for a long time and I will lose my fitness. So my questions are:

1. How long will it take for me to lose my fitness?
2. How long after the op can I exercise?
3. Is there any way I can exercise earlier than the answer to (2) ie maybe some weights training as opposed to cardio?

I will miss Insanity a lot while I am out of action... I've been moderately-vigorously active for around 5 months or so, 18 years old, female.

So what do you guys think?


  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I had ALL of my top teeth pulled last year and I was able to exercise right away. You may want to rest alot the first day and take pain pills depending how bad it is. But most likely you will just be out from exercising for a day or 2 at the most.... Eating how ever was a completely different story lol
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    In general you should be ok within 2-3 days, not long enough to really impact your progress, but please discuss with your doctor before you do anything.
  • missveeoh
    missveeoh Posts: 90 Member
    I remember my wisdom teeth extraction day, I got home and was a bit loopy so I was sleeping for most of the time. I would say you would be out the first day and probably the second, the medication also makes you drowsy so be careful while exercising.
    I'm pretty sure you can work with weights, but idk about cardio. Definitely ask your dentist. Make sure you eat though. It'll be difficult to chew on anything but try eating vegetables in like soup or something, I survived on applesauce and vegetable soup but make sure not to eat strawberries, the little seed particles can get stuck in the holes and can lead to infection and then you need to get it cleaned out and it's quite uncomfortable. That's what I've heard and it scared me so I stuck with eating soft chewy vegetables and lots of apple sauce and ice cream as a treat lol
  • jmayerovitch
    jmayerovitch Posts: 71 Member
    I had all four of my wisdom teeth out last year. I was terrified because everyone I knew got dry sockets. I pretty much stayed home for four days, ate a diet of mashed potatoes and ice-cream, and avoided straws like the plague. I didn't start working out again for at least a week. I never got dry sockets.

    I know it sucks not being able to train, but just think about how much harder it will be to train with the pain of dry sockets. Take the opportunity to give yourself a break, and then come back full-speed once you know you're past the danger point.
  • Thanks everyone! Yeah i think training with dry sockets will be a little bit difficult... haha. This is my first topic here! I'm so glad that everyone's so helpful. Thanks guys!