Emotional help!

I weight 203 lbs in 156cm height.
When ever I face bad commnets and jokes about how I look I get very angry and frustrated and end up crying :(
I just could not stop getting emotional!!
How can I overcome??

If you share your thoughts it will greatly help me <3


  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    why are you posting this under multiple topics?
  • Coz I really need a solution!
  • cozgrl05
    cozgrl05 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm sorry to hear you are having issues like that from others. Remember that it does not matter what others think or say about you, what matters is how you think and feel about yourself. Yes, it's hard to overlook mean people, but you will feel better if you stay positive and ignore their unintelligent comments and remarks. You are a diamond in the rough, stay positive :)